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Ilhan Omar: It’s the Fault of POLICE OFFICERS That Crime Is On the Rise In Minneapolis

If a liberal politician says something completely ridiculous on Monday, a second liberal almost immediately has to do their best to out-stupid the other.

Then it’s basically a back and forth competition, like a baseless reality TV show: Who Can Be Most Idiotic?

On Tuesday, Minnesota Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar (D) took top prize.

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From Right Scoop:

The radical socialist Ilhan Omar actually blamed the Minneapolis police for the crime surge that’s happening in her city.


Omar says that the lawlessness in the city is the result of “police choosing not to fulfill their oath of office”. Seriously.

It’s amazing what radical socialists will say to push their America-hating agenda. And her comments are, of course, absurd on their face.


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This story syndicated with permission from Patriot Fetch