The shocking revelation just uncovered that an Arizona school board president kept a secret “enemies list” of parents who spoke out publicly against his policies at school board meetings.
The stunning disclosure that Scottsdale Board President Jann-Michael Greenburg kept a dossier on 47 parents, who openly challenged his authority, has hundreds of angry parents demanding his resignation.
Sensitive and personal information gathered by Greenburg included Social Security numbers, background checks, a divorce paper, mortgage documents, trade certifications, and screenshots of Facebook posts, specifically targeting outspoken parents who questioned his policies.
The Secret Dossier, according to Fox News, was kept by either Greenburg or his father on a Google Drive in which a number of individuals shared the account, including Mark Greenburg the president’s father who owns the drive, Jann-Michael Greenburg, and a person with the email address belonging to SUSD governing board member Zachary Lindsay, and as yet an unidentified Scottsdale woman.
Amy Carney, a mother of six and candidate for the Scottsdale Unified School District (SUSD) governing board, told Fox News on Thursday, that “the list of parents targeted in the drive appears to be anyone who has spoken out about anything against our district publicly or online.”
Adding tersely, “I’d call this retaliation.”
Carney told Fox News, that so far over 650 irate parents have signed a petition demanding that the SUSD Governing Board President Jann-Michael Greenburg resign in the wake of the scandal.
When school boards put YOU on a watchlist, we put THEM on a watchlist!
Scottsdale School Board President Jann-Michael Greenburg was exposed for keeping a secret dossier on parents who have spoken out against school policies.
More from @Charliekirk11https://t.co/5GxJvcYnis
— Turning Point USA (@TPUSA) November 12, 2021
Also according to the Scottsdale Independent News, the “Greenburg Files,” is a professional and quite extensive opposition-research-style dossier, comparable to that of any government agency, in terms of in-depth analysis on parents who spoke out against the school board, ranging from COVID-19 restrictions to critical race theory.
The scandal was inadvertently uncovered in August when Greenburg reportedly revealed the digital dossier stored on the Google Drive, when he mistakenly sent a screenshot in an email of an image from the drive to resident Kim Stafford.
“I categorically deny having anything to do with any of this,” Greenburg told the Independent. He also refused to respond to multiple requests from Fox News concerning his obvious involvement with the dossier. He also told the Independent that the email within the dossier is his own personal address, despite having over 160,000 unread emails.
Greenburg’s denial that he’s associated with the Google link to the site took a strange twist when the site suddenly went offline becoming “private” on November 9th, after the Independent called family members on the account.
The dossier includes 18 folders marked CAN-Network, a reference to the Community Advocacy Network, a group of parents that formed last year advocating for in-person learning and against mask mandates. It refers to parents as “wackos.”
The digital dossier also highlights several video clips of parents appearing at school board meetings. In one disturbing clip, a voiceover exclaims “I really want Edmond to die. I’ll be so happy, I’ll have a f—ing party,” alluding to a vocal parent whom Greenburg has sued for defamation.
So far it’s not quite clear how many state or federal violations apply to Greenburg’s egregious actions. According to Section 13-2923 of the Arizona Revised Statutes, anyone found guilty of cyber-stalking can be fined up to $1,000 per infraction and sentenced to one year in jail.
Arizona House Rep. Joseph Chaplik also called for Greenburg’s resignation.
Serious evidence presented—
Scottsdale, AZ Unified School District Governing Board President Jann-Michael Greenburg has been cyber-stalking dozens of parents. pic.twitter.com/ISfXUsNse0— Musical Contessa (@MusicalContessa) November 11, 2021
“As a Scottsdale parent and member of the community I am calling for the resignation of Jann-Michael Greenburg,” Chaplik said in a statement. “The evidence of his cyber-stalking and spreading of an enemies list should be the last straw for his fellow board members and I expect them to join me in this call.”
This story syndicated with permission from My Patriot Post