For devout Christians the appearance of the Blessed Virgin, whether appearing in person as an illuminated figure or through various religious statues, her presence on Earth usually symbolizes a forewarning of perhaps some future event.
The most publicized was her appearance on May 13th, 1917 in Fatima, Portugal, to three shepherd children, in which the Blessed Virgin through a series of other apparitions told the children of 3-secrets. Two of which were revealed; “a vision of heaven and hell, the end of WWI, the beginning of WWII, and to pray for the conversion of Russia.
The third wasn’t revealed until many years later predicting the near assassination of Pope John Paul II, on May 13th, 1981, by a crazed would-be assassin. Of course, only the children were able to see the Blessed Virgin, prompting unbelievers along with the Catholic Church at the time, to denounce their claim.
However, The Lady of the Rosary (the Blessed Virgin), instructed the children that on October 13th she would validate their claim. At precisely 2 p.m. with over 70 thousand people in attendance, after a rainy morning the sun suddenly emerged from behind the clouds and began spinning erratically in the sky, becoming blue and then yellow. Moments later it suddenly began falling from the sky to the earth below. The people gasped in fear, when it suddenly reversed course going back to where it originated. That event has become known as The Miracle of the Sun.
Within the last decade there have been many eye witness accounts of the Virgin Mary, once again making her presence known in various ways. In 2015, a statue of the Virgin Mary in the Church of St. Thomas More in Subang Jaya, Malaysia, began weeping, smiling and actually growing taller. Catholics are reportedly flocking to the church annually to see the alleged miracle.
According to The Star Online News, Father Raymond Pereira of the parish announced, “We are waiting for confirmation from the Vatican before making an official statement.”
The faithful have flocked to the church to witness, what many believe is a miracle, sharing photos and videos on social media of the porcelain based statue seemingly taller by about 3 inches. Eye witnesses are also claiming that the statue is smiling, and at other times weeping.
“We are strong devotees of Mother Mary and wanted to witness the miracle for ourselves so we made it a point to come here” said one Catholic who came to witness the phenomena, identified as Sarah from Subang.
One devout Christian described witnessing, “Her eyes were moving very slowly, all of us were there and we saw it,” he says.
Adding; “When we started singing ‘Ave Maria,’ she started smiling and her lips were moving.”
Thus far, there is no rational or scientific explanation as to what is occurring in Subang Jaya, Malaysia. The church is awaiting Vatican confirmation on what appears to be a bona fide miracle.
Michael Chin, who attends St. Ignatius Church in Petaling Jaya, said he wanted to see the miracle himself, adding that he felt overwhelmed when he was at the church.
“I heard about the statue getting taller and I wanted to pray. This is much closer and easier for me to get too compared to going to Lourdes in France,” Irene Lee from Kelana Jaya said, referring to annual pilgrimages that were made to the Church of Our Lady Lourdes in France.
Closer to home in New Mexico, a Roman Catholic diocese is investigating reports that a Virgin Mary statue at a local church is shedding tears.
A miracle? Or scientifically unexplained?
A weeping statue is being investigated by the Catholic Church as a possible miracle: Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church in Hobbs, New Mexico. “You can even get a sense of her presence. You can smell roses in her tears. ..” pic.twitter.com/MaHLbeSSpk
— Rose Zolock (@RoseZolock) May 28, 2018
Worshippers have been flocking to Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church to witness tears flowing down the face of the bronze statue of the Virgin Mary.
The statue has shown signs of weeping at least two times, according to the Diocese of Las Cruces, and church officials have yet to determine how this could have happened.
For those who believe, the Virgin Mary’s appearance is a sign that our troubled world is in crisis and that we need to turn back to God, before it’s too late.
This story syndicated with permission from My Faith News