There is a war for the soul of the United States Of America.
Unfortunately for those who are on the side of law and order, borders, and traditional America, they are losing to those working together to deconstruct the American free enterprise system.
A perfect example can be found in a network of billionaires and other globalists who have partnered together. In line with the Great Reset, they use their massive wealth and influence to promote open borders, social justice and the unrealistic goal of global equity.
The Koch network, funded by the billionaire Koch brothers, has joined President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton in their efforts to resettle Afghans across the United States.
The Koch network’s Stand Together organization, billionaire Howard Schultz’s Starbucks Foundation, and the Schultz Family Foundation provide funding to local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who commit to helping resettle Afghans in their communities.
The Koch network and Schultz will give $1 million worth of grants, each up to $45,000, to local NGOs in up to 40 American communities who commit to aiding Afghans with their resettlement.
The Koch network initiative will be backed by Obama, Bush, and Clinton’s Welcome.US which they created, along with former First Ladies Michelle Obama, Laura Bush, and Hillary Clinton, to resettle Afghans across the U.S. and funnel them into jobs.
“To support this effort, Welcome.US will raise awareness, foster collaboration, and coordinate among resettlement groups and civic organizations, including the more than 100 organizations that comprise its broad coalition of partners,” a statement from Stand Together notes.
Welcome.US is working with multinational corporations like Airbnb, Walmart, Starbucks, Instacart, Facebook, Microsoft, and Chobani to provide financial support to Afghans arriving in the U.S. as part of Biden’s massive Afghan resettlement operation.
This collection of connected politicians, partnering with wealthy former business executives and corporations is a collective force that appears to only have the MAGA movement in the way from an open season on liberty.
By: Eric Thompson, host of the Eric Thompson Show. Follow me on MAGABOOK, Twellit & Twitter.
This story syndicated with permission from Eric Thompson – Trending Politics
This story syndicated with permission from Eric Thompson – Patriot Fetch – Conservative News Daily