It didn’t take long for the worldwide Christian charity to do a complete “about face” concerning their controversial “Let’s Talk About … Racism” CRT inspired guide. It suggested that white folks actually apologize for the color of their skin, after those same white folks generously dropped a few bucks in the emblematic red pot, during the Salvation Army’s annual Yuletide Red Kettle Campaign.
The backlash was swift, after news outlets across the country (yours truly included), reported last week that the iconic charity suddenly turned WOKE. The controversial new directive was compiled and approved earlier this year by such leftist groups as the International Social Justice Commission of the Salvation Army, along with Black Lives Matter and proponents of the critical race theory movement, which advocates that all white people are fundamentally racist.
The directive also defines structural racism as “the overarching system of racial biasing across institutions and society,” the guide declares: “These systems give privileges to white people resulting in disadvantages to People of Color.”
However, in a statement just released by the Christian charity, after donors and supporters across the country began rescinding their financial support, the Salvation Army put out a statement vehemently denying their own guide.
In a statement titled “The Salvation Army’s Response to False Claims on the Topic of Racism,” the 156-year-old organization denies that the purpose of the guide or subsequent discussions revolving around the guide was meant to tell anyone how to think. However, the group has also opted to withdraw the guide for appropriate review.
The statement, in part, also reads: “The Salvation Army occasionally publishes internal study guides on various complex topics to help foster positive conversations and grace-filled reflection among Salvationists. By openly discussing these issues, we always hope to encourage the development of a more thoughtful organization that is better positioned to support those in need. But no one is being told how to think. Period.”
The Salvation Army has withdrawn a controversial guide following donor backlash over the text that asked white supporters of the charity group to deliver “sincere” apologies for their race and the past sins of the Church.#JustTheNews @SalvationArmyUS https://t.co/2Jts6BWUmy
— Just the News (@JustTheNews) November 29, 2021
The statement continues, “We have done our best to provide accurate information, but unfortunately, some have chosen to ignore those efforts. At the same time, International Headquarters realized that certain aspects of the guide may need to be clarified.”
Adding; “Consequently, for both reasons, the International Social Justice Commission has now withdrawn the guide for appropriate review.”
Obviously, the Salvation Army misjudged its donor base and its actual purpose as a Christian based organization, in that it became compromised by outside political influences, accepting large donations from the government to the tune of over $10 million dollars, and buying into their CRT curriculum. The CRT is currently being fought by concerned parents at school boards across the country suggesting that one race is inherently evil while the other is perpetually victimized, is factually incorrect within today’s society.
The guide was suddenly withdrawn, not because it was reviewed by those who initially crafted it as promoting reverse discrimination based solely on skin pigmentation, but because the Salvation Army stood to lose millions of dollars by thousands of outraged donors ready to pull the plug on the Christian charity.
This story syndicated with permission from My Patriot Post