Many universities back down to leftist protesters. Whether that backing down means renaming buildings, apologizing for statements that weren’t offensive, or even firing professors that did nothing more than speak the truth or faithfully read a passage that contains “triggering words,” those universities that stand up to the woke mob are few and far between.
Fortunately for those conservatives attending or hoping to attend ASU, it appears to be a school that is run by administrators with a bit of a backbone.
When it came out that Kyle Rittenhouse, the recently acquitted young man that defended himself from and shot three rioters in Kenosha, was planning on attending ASU as an online student this fall, leftist outrage was swift and severe.
Protesting students staged a rally in which they made many wild claims and demanded that Rittenhouse withdraw. One socialist protester even held a “Death 2 America” poster.
Join us and rally against racist murderer Kyle Rittenhouse being permitted on our campus – Wednesday at 3:30 outside the Nelson Fine Arts Center on campus pic.twitter.com/4Hs3JxRqtY
— Students for Socialism ASU 🚩 (@SFSASU) November 26, 2021
ASU socialist club marches to administration building to confront campus leaders over #KyleRittenhouse pic.twitter.com/PT9OH9qzTp
— Erin Smith ⚓️ (@erinsmithSF) December 1, 2021
“When people tell you who they are, believe them.” pic.twitter.com/0fFwTaIwjG
— Erin Smith ⚓️ (@erinsmithSF) December 1, 2021
BREAKING: Conservative students chant “Let’s Go Brandon” and drown out ASU Kyle Rittenhouse protest pic.twitter.com/CnuZeCkDp9
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) December 2, 2021
Though Mr. Rittenhouse ended up unenrolling, he didn’t do so because of school pressure, at least according to ASU, as Campus Reform reports in an article on the subject:
Just a day after heated student protests at Arizona State University during which students demanded the school bar Kyle Rittenhouse from attending in the future, the school has refused to do so.
In a Thursday email to Campus Reform, an ASU spokesperson stated that Rittenhouse’s application would be treated “as any other would be” should he apply in the future.
“As a university that measures itself by whom it includes and how they succeed, should he choose to seek admission in the future, his application will be processed as any other would be”, the school told Campus Reform.
[…]”Kyle Rittenhouse did not go through the ASU admissions process but was enrolled in two publicly available courses for this semester. University records show that he is now no longer enrolled, a status precipitated by his own actions”, the school clarified.
So, though it is concerning that Mr. Rittenhouse withdrew, likely due to the hostility from ASU students, it is encouraging that at least one school’s administrators had the backbone to stand up to the mob and say that an innocent young man wouldn’t be treated negatively because of an unfortunate situation he was involved in.
Unfortunately, ASU’s backbone is notable because it’s an exception.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will – Trending Politics