Considering that the Clinton Foundation has continued to operate as normal since Hillary lost in 2016, it would be normal for donors to continue donating to it.
Well, that’s if the purpose of the foundation was actually to help people. If, rather, the goal was to sell influence before Hillary walked the halls of power (and while she actually did so as Secretary of State), it would be likely that donations would decline precipitously once she was shut out of the marble halls of D.C. for good.
While the former would have been a nice sign that the corruption in D.C. isn’t as severe or prevalent as many thought, it’s not what happened. Instead, donations to the Clinton Foundation have declined by over 90%.
According to the Clinton Foundation’s Form 990, it brought in only $16.3 million in 2020. And, as the Daily Caller reports, “this was a 93.6% decrease from the nearly $250 million the charitable organization raked in during 2009 after Hillary Clinton was appointed Secretary of State.“
The Cinton Foundation’s Form 990 hints that the events of 2020 were to blame for the decline in donations, saying “last year, collectively we faced new and unprecedented challenges in the U.S. and around the world, from the COVID-19 pandemic and its continued effects, to a long overdue reckoning with manifestations of systemic racism.”
Watchdogs, however, aren’t so sanguine. Commenting on that highly suspicious plummet in donation dollars received, the Daily Caller article includes this statement from a ethics watchdogs:
“For years, the Clinton Foundation raised ethical concerns and blurred lines between the foundation, private entities, and the State Department,” said Scott Amey, General Counsel for the Project on Government Oversight (POGO), a nonpartisan, independent government corruption watchdog organization.
“Money was pouring in when Hillary Clinton was a senior official and a candidate for president. The fact that foundation donors received special access to the Secretary of State isn’t surprising, nor is the fall in foundation funding after her 2016 election loss. Many people thought people were supporting the former president, but it really looks like they were cozying up to who they thought was going to be the future president — a situation that can’t be repeated,” the POGO General Counsel told the Daily Caller.
[..]“We’ve been seeing a decline in the cash flow to the Clinton Foundation since the 2016 presidential election,” Anna Massoglia told the Daily Caller.
So, while the Clinton Foundation can claim that 2020 “was a difficult year for philanthropy” generally, as it did, and point to Covid and other problems, those watching for ethics violations and corruption are highly concerned with the supsicious nature of the massive plummet the organization has received in years after it became apparent that the Clintons would not be back in the White House.
That concern is only heighted by the fact that, as the AP reported, “More than half the people outside the government who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money — either personally or through companies or groups — to the Clinton Foundation. It’s an extraordinary proportion indicating her possible ethics challenges if elected president.”
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
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