Vaccine Mandate madness has already shown us the worst in our leaders all over the country. None more so than the state of California where lockdowns continue for anyone who isn’t rich and famous or even just rich and a politician. The state that used to be a capitalist destination has been abused by high taxes, corrupt politicians, obnoxious actors and fraudulent CEOs for the past two decades at least. It’s gotten so bad in fact that there has been something of an exodus as podcasters like Joe Rogan and companies like The Daily Wire fled to traditionally red states.
If COVID-19 is a testing ground to determine just how much the American populace will put up with, we should all be afraid. Very afraid. Government overreach was bad in the state before COVID-19 but now it’s nearly impossible to trust anything that’s going on with the state’s local governments as they do all they can to appease the CDC, the WHO, and the Biden Administration.
California’s leaders have a long list of issues they are being faced with, but their draconian efforts to vaccinate the state have made their tyranny impossible to ignore.
Just this morning it was reported that on Monday, December 6th, 2021, a mother found out her 13-year-old son had been bribed to accept a COVID-19 vaccination. What had the school in Los Angeles, California offered? A slice of pizza. This mother, who naively trusted that her son wouldn’t be injected with anything without her permission (you know, considering she’s the parent and all) was shocked when her son showed her a vaccination card (passport).
“”It hurt to know he got a shot without my permission, without knowing and without signing any papers for him to get the shot,” Duarte said, adding that she is vaccinated and isn’t anti-vaccine.”
Meanwhile, 113 firefighters in Los Angeles, California were suspended without pay as of December 7th, 2021. The city has ordered that all city employees be vaccinated by December 18th, 2021 or be willing to submit themselves to getting tested at least twice a week. These COVID tests will have to be covered out of their own pocket, too!
Local ABC Channel 7 news reported that as “of Monday, 83% of the department’s 3,732 employees have been vaccinated, and 321 unvaccinated personnel have filed for an exemption.”
The city’s mandate requires unvaccinated employees to have $65 per test deducted from their paychecks. So to make that clear, if they refuse to vaccinate themselves they have to pay to be tested twice a week. If they apply and are approved for some kind of exemption, then the city will only test them “once a week at the city’s expense”. Funny how COVID-19 is more urgently tested when the exemption isn’t approved. It goes back to the theory that if you are sitting down to eat, COVID can’t get you.
Apparently COVID is less likely to get you when the city has to pay for the tests.
As is standard in this type of tyranny, if the exemption isn’t approved, “the employee will have five business days to file an appeal”. If they don’t appeal the decision, then they have to show proof that they got the jab or face the consequences.
“Firefighters who continue to resist the vaccine mandate “will be entered into the process for termination of their employment,” LA Fire Department spokesman Cheryl Getuiza told the local station.”
Good going, Los Angeles! You show France and Australia that the US has states that are just as tyrannical as they are.
Below is a tweet about how the US Government handled the Spanish Flu, which was by far more deadly than COVID-19 and all it’s known variants so far.
This advice from the U.S. government during the 1918 Spanish Flu outbreak is “more holistic than everything we have been fed for the past 2 years”https://t.co/0VcRfOM8cC
— Not the Bee (@Not_the_Bee) December 7, 2021
This story syndicated with permission from For the Love of News