When Brandon chaotically withdrew the last US troops from Afghanistan he abandoned not only families of service members, but also many of America’s allies in the fallen country.
Whether they were informants, soldiers, police officers, government officials, or other allies, many were left behind during the hasty, chaotic retreat from Kabul.
At the time, many predicted that they would be targeted for death and/or torture by the Taliban.
While some of those fears might have been proven incorrect, as the Taliban largely incorporated former Afghan soldiers into its ranks, it’s now being proven largely correct, wit the Taliban brutally punishing our former allies.
As the Washington Times reports:
Afghanistan’s returning Taliban overlords are demonstrating their disdain for policies they established that are meant to guide the nation’s transition from factional terrorism to functional governance. It is understood that Marquess of Queensbury Rules of fair play are foreign to these internecine combatants. Still, there can be no peaceful outcome to the treachery the Taliban is practicing.
The U.S. State Department has marshaled a body of global allies in condemning the Taliban over the “summary killings and enforced disappearances” of former Afghan security forces. “We underline that the alleged actions constitute serious human rights abuses and contradict the Taliban’s announced amnesty,” read a statement released Saturday by the U.S., EU, Great Britain and other nations.
Big News Network elaborates on what’s going on in the war-torn country, adding that:
The report cites 47 instances of former members of the Afghan National Security Forces, other military personnel, policemen and intelligence agents “who had surrendered to or were apprehended by Taliban forces” being either summarily executed or arbitrarily arrested or ‘disappeared’
The report referenced is one from Human Rights Watch, which found that the Taliban has murdered dozens of its former enemies since it took over the country.
However, the Taliban’s Interior Ministry denied the report, saying on that in “some cases” former officials were murdered due to personal rivalries and enmities.
While Americans might have escaped from the Taliban with only 13 deaths, the allies we abandoned aren’t so lucky. Even as we were leaving, the Taliban was committing war crimes, such as when it massacred 22 surrendering Afghan commandos, troops we had spent years and millions of dollars training:
Videos show 22 Afghan commandos murdered by the Taliban after surrendering @amcoren reports pic.twitter.com/TMKmhv0rj1
— The Lead CNN (@TheLeadCNN) July 13, 2021
So, not only did the US lose face in Afghanistan, create the conditions for yet another swarm of refugees to menace Europe, abandon Americans in the country, and give our enemies access to a country with vast reserves of strategic minerals. Thanks to Biden, we also created a situation where dozens of our allies can be gunned down by barbaric thugs. Who will trust us now?
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will – Trending Politics