In a fallen world such as ours, one can sadly not expect even law enforcement officers to be paragons of virtue or always law-abiding. Everyone makes mistakes, even the runner stumbles.
But, still, it seems fair to expect FBI agents to not hire prostitutes and then get away with it when caught.
Apparently, that’s too much to ask; as it’s exactly what just happened. According to an Office of the Inspector General report released recently, four overseas FBI officials “solicited, procured and accepted commercial sex.” A fifth FBI agent apparently solicited commercial sex without accepting it.
In the words of the report:
The OIG investigation found that four FBI officials solicited, procured, and accepted commercial sex overseas, and that a fifth FBI official solicited commercial sex overseas, in violation of DOJ and FBI policies. The OIG investigation also found that four of those officials lacked candor about their interactions with prostitutes and other misconduct during OIG compelled interviews and compelled polygraph examinations, in violation of FBI policies, and that one of those officials made false statements in an OIG compelled interview and compelled polygraph examination in violation of federal law, when the official denied having engaged in sex acts with a prostitute. The OIG investigation further found that all five officials failed to report their own misconduct and the misconduct of others in connection with the procurement of commercial sex, all in violation of FBI policies. The OIG investigation further found that five officials failed to report contact or relationships with foreign nationals, including foreign nationals from whom they procured commercial sex, in violation of FBI policies.
But wait, it gets worse. There was a sixth agent that found out that the other five in some way or another had contact with prostitutes, and was required by law to report that.
Given that the prostitutes could be used as kompromat on the FBI agents if left unreported, that seems like a reasonable policy, and one that should have been stuck to under the circumstances.
It wasn’t. As the report states:
The OIG investigation found that a sixth FBI official committed misconduct by failing to report suspected violations of the 2015 Attorney General Memorandum titled “Prohibition on the Solicitation of Prostitution” by other FBI officials, in violation of DOJ and FBI policies.
Still, that’s not all. One agent “provided another of the officials a package containing approximately 100 white pills to deliver to a foreign law enforcement officer.” It’s not said what the pills were, but they probably weren’t Advil.
So, to summarize, five agents tried to hire hookers, with one of them shipping around 100 suspicious pills, and they were caught, but not reported, so they got away with it until the OIG investigated.
Of the six agents involved, two resigned during the investigation, two retired, and one was “removed.” The fate of the sixth is not described, nor does the report state if the conduct was one incident or several, or what country the incident(s) took place in.
If this is how FBI agents are acting, maybe the FBI needs to spend less time setting up militia members and more time ensuring its law enforcement officers follow the law they’re supposed to enforce.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
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