While Governor DeSantis has gotten the lion’s share of the attention for standing up to President Brandon’s incompetent regime, he’s not the only one to do so. Governor Abbot of Texas, though sometimes not quite as willing to grapple with Team Brandon, also stands up for the right of his state in times of crisis.
Now is one such time. President Brandon is demanding that all service members, including members of the reserves and National Guardsmen, get the jab. Abbot, following the lead of Oklahoma, is saying he won’t enforce that order on Texas National Guardsmen.
News of that came on Thursday, when Governor Abbott sent a letter to Sec Def Austin, announcing his stance on the jab mandate. He later posted a copy of that letter on Twitter:
Texas will not enforce the Biden Administration’s latest COVID-19 vaccine mandate against its guardsmen.
If the federal gov’t keeps threatening to defund the Texas National Guard, I will deploy every legal tool available to me as Governor in defense of these American heroes. pic.twitter.com/ORULKmGuCZ
— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) December 16, 2021
In it, he says:
“As Governor of Texas, I am the commander-in-chief of this State’s militia. In that capacity, on October 4, 2021, I ordered the Adjutant General of Texas to comply with my Executive Order GA-39.
[…]Under this order, General Norris will not punish any guardsman in Texas for choosing not to receive the vaccine.
If unvaccinated guardsmen suffer any adverse consequences within the State of Texas, they will have only President Biden and his Administration to blame. Your memorandum of November 30, 2021 threatens to cut off the flow of federal dollars for unvaccinated members of the National Guard who serve in a so-called “Title 32” status. The Secretary of the Air Force has gone even further, explicitly warning of discharge proceedings in a memorandum of December 7, 2021.
This willingness to hollow out the National Guard is unconscionable in the face of growing global threats and a border crisis created by the Biden Administration. It is also in tension with recent legal decisions. President Biden and his Administration have suffered a string of losses in the federal courts with their other illegal vaccine mandates…
And, at the end, he concludes by saying:
“The State of Texas will not enforce this latest COVID-19 vaccine mandate against its guardsmen. If the federal government keeps threatening to defund the Texas National Guard, I will deploy every legal tool available to me as Governor in defense of these American heroes”
So, like DeSantis, Governor Abbott is standing up to the tyrannical diktats of Team Brandon.
Sec. Def. Austin, for his part, has turned down the Oklahoma governor’s request that the Oklahoma National Guard be exempt from the vaccine mandate and has reiterated that those servicemen that choose not to get the jab could be marked AWOL or see their pay docked, or could be dismissed.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will – Trending Politics