While the agents of the Pantsuit Empire continue to sink in the polls, former President Trump continues to do quite well.
So well, in fact, that a recent poll found that he’s now doing better than both President Brandon and the pinko Pope.
The poll, conducted by YouGov and titled “World’s Most Admired 2021,” found that, among men, former President Donald Trump came in 13th, outranked by a variety of characters including former President Obama (who came in #1), Xi Jinping, and Vladimir Putin.
Still, despite placing behind those horrid people, Trump came in ahead of his main rival, Brandon, and others who tend to be more respected by the Pantsuit Empire, including Pope Francis.
Brandon came in 20th, just barely making the chart, and Francis came in 16th.
Furthermore, while the others on the list tend to receive massive amounts of propagandistic attention, whether from state media in the case of Xi or regime mouthpieces like the NYT in the cases of Obama and Biden, Trump has done well (and even gone up two spots compared to last year) despite being attacked constantly by almost every media outlet. As reported by Summit News:
Trump’s relatively high placing is all the more impressive given the sustained media campaign against him and the former president being blamed for the January 6 “siege.”
However, while the survey is interesting, it might not be the best gauge of world sentiment.
As already noted, many of the figures that placed well receive propagandistic regime backing of some form or another.
Additionally and outside of that issue, again noted by Summit News, some of the results are a bit hard to believe:
Perhaps emphasizing the dubious nature of the survey, Kamala Harris, who has an favorability rating of just 40 per cent, is in 11th place just above Hillary Clinton, who is in 12th position.
So, though it’s great to see Trump outperforming the Pantsuit Empire, the poll itself might not be entirely accurate. It’s hard to believe that Kamala, the cackling VP that does worse in polls than Dick Cheney did after he shot someone, is really the 11th most respected woman in the world.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will – Trending Politics