Is there anything more delightful to hear on Christmas day than “Show me your vaxx card or get the hell out?” Maybe not to men and women avoiding their in-laws this holiday season, but otherwise, I am sure that’s going to cause some issues at home. What else do we do on Christmas but gather with our loved ones?
According to Health Czar, Nicolas Fauci, those of us who are unvaccinated are in for a season of severe illness and death. But even with doom looming on our horizons, we’re not allowed to go see our family because those super useful, super effective vaccines probably will or won’t protect them from our unvaccinated selves. I think. He thinks. Neither of us are sure what exactly they’re trying to sell right now.
All we know is that we need to follow the science, right?
But that isn’t easy when everyone, but Fauci is being censored for talking about the Kung Flu. We can’t follow the science when scientists refuse to do a study on Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, or other monoclonal antibodies. People have been complaining since the whole thing began that while we know we should avoid getting infected, there just hasn’t been enough information on what you’re supposed to do when you get the illness.
But Fauci doesn’t actually care about the medical end of things. He only cares about what you and your loved ones are doing in your homes. If he cared about the science he’d at least acknowledge that being vaccinated should be enough to protect you from the unvaccinated.
But he can’t do that, can he? Not when every death after full vaccination is being so closely watched. Not when people do get sick still, do go to hospitals, and do die even after taking that precious round of vaccines.
On Hannity, Fauci was seen in an interview with ABC telling people to make sure you know all the risks and that you should essentially demand to know everyone’s status with the vaccine before allowing them entry into your home.
“… Do not do things like go to gatherings where there are people who you do not know what their vaccination status is… Some people are even getting tested when you have people coming over the house,” said Fauci.
“You might want to do that. If you do these things, you can feel quite comfortable with a family setting… Nothing is 100% risk free,” he added.
Below is a video of a doctor and journalist discussing Fauci and the Omicron variant’s extremely mild symptoms. You know, the one those of us who are unvaccinated are about to be wiped out by.
I don’t know if you all had a chance to watch the following video last year when it first came out, but this about sums it up. This kind of double talk, back and forth with the vaccines and who is safe or not safe is exactly why there are still millions of Americans refusing to take the vaccine.
It’s a fantastic watch and while things have changed in what we know, it’s sadly still relevant.
This story syndicated with permission from My Patriot Post