It’s not just crazed leftists in America that are cheering on the Marxist BLM organization, one many argue cheered on, if not outright instigated, the “George Floyd riots.”
In fact, our cousins across the pond, the Brits, apparently decided to express their support for the radical, race-focused organization during London’s New Year’s Eve firework show.
Though the firework show has traditionally been apolitical and focused on fun rather than pushing a radical leftist agenda, this year those that tuned in to the show were subjected to a rolling barrage of pro-BLM and pro-leftist propaganda.
To begin the politicized ceremony, London Mayor Sadiq Khan, a Muslim, let Hamilton actor Giles Terera read a woke poem that referenced such topics as climate change and praise for Britain’s socialist healthcare system.
And it didn’t end there; the wokies in charge wouldn’t let taxpayers enjoy the event just yet. After the woke, terrible poem, the firework display began, with a tribute to the national soccer team saying “The players take the knee – united in their stance against racism.”
The event referenced was when England’s football team took a knee to express its support for BLM, often while the crowd booed.
That reference to their kneeling is significant because “taking the knee,” an act made famous by failed American football player Colin Kaepernick, is an act clearly associated with BLM, a pro-CRT, Marxist organization.
According to Breitbart, the woke fireworks display isn’t exactly out of the blue. As it reports, the show took a hard left turn when London’s Muslim mayor was elected in 2016:
Since Labour’s Sadiq Khan first became mayor in 2016, London’s traditional firework show has taken a more multicultural and left-leaning theme. For London’s 2020 New Year’s Eve fireworks display a clenched fist in reference to Black Lives Matter was raised above the city.
What a far cry from the days of Churchill, much less Edmund Burke or the Iron Duke!
Watch the woke display here:
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will – Trending Politics