According to the Hawaii Firearms Coalition, a firearm rights group, the Honolulu police just launched a new website, meant for the purpose of firearm registration. Here’s what the group announced in a Facebook post:
Honolulu Police Department has finally got their registration website up and running. This, in combination with the settlement agreement in Yukutake v. Connors, means that on Oahu, you can obtain a firearm with a single trip to the police station.
HPD’s policy has (for some time) been to mail rifle permits to the applicant (ask how at time of application). Now they will also mail pistol permits directly to the seller. This means you can pick up your pistol without going to the police station to pick it up the permit yourself.
By eliminating the trip to pick up a permit and the trip to register firearms, Hawaii Firearms Coalition and its attorneys (Attorney Alan Beck) have reduced the process down to a single day, saving gun owners a significant amount of time and money.
The process for obtaining a firearm on Oahu is now;
1) Apply for your permit (ONLY TRIP TO POLICE STATION)
2) Wait 14-20 days for your permit to be mailed to you or the seller
3) Pick up your firearm
4) Go home and register online.
While the post is framed as a positive announcement, as the change means that Hawaii’s residents now only need to make one trip to the police station to obtain a firearm, it’s not exactly good news for firearm rights.
Why? Because what is the purpose of registration other than eventual confiscation?
Though it’s now faster and easier for Honolulu’s residents to obtain a firearm, which is all in all a good thing, the website just means that gun owners are now registering their own guns, seemingly marking themselves for future midnight raids and firearm confiscations.
So, it’s a good thing that Hawaiians now have an easier way to go about obtaining firearms and don’t need to take time off work to exercise their right to keep and bear arms. But it’s far from a good thing that there’s a firearm registry.
Still, there’s no federal firearm registry, at least officially, meaning the feds would have a harder time confiscating guns from Americans, unlike the Hawaiian police, were it to ever come to that.
However, some suspect such a registry is a goal of Brandon’s. As Newsmax reported back in November:
Gun Owners of America believes that the ATF’s actions, coupled with a new proposed rule change, may be an end-run around prohibitions against establishing a federal gun registration system.
“As if the addition of over 50 million records to an ATF gun registry wasn’t unconstitutional or illegal enough, the Biden administration’s misuse of ‘out-of-business’ records doesn’t end there,” said Aidan Johnston, the GOA’s director of federal affairs.
“Instead of maintaining the right of [licensed firearm dealers] to destroy Firearm Transaction Records after 20 years, buried within Biden’s proposed regulations is a provision that would mean every single Firearm Transaction Record going forward would eventually be sent to ATF’s registry in West Virginia.”
Watch out, Americans. A gun registry might be on the horizon. If one does come, it shouldn’t be cheered like Hawaiians are cheering their streamlined registry, as it means confiscation is coming soon too.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
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