Though the Red Chinese seem to have been generally taking the heating-up confrontation between our two nations more seriously than we are, especially now that Biden has replaced Trump, there is a bright spot on the horizon.
That bright spot is that the US, Japan, and Australia are finally working together to pool their resources and take on the Red Dragon. According to ZeroHedge:
Coming off a “historic” signing of a formal defense cooperation agreement with Australia on Thursday, Japan is now pursuing a deepened commitment for military assistance from the United States. Both are expressing concern over China’s growing military might and influence in the region.
Following a virtual meeting of top defense and foreign policy leaders between Tokyo and Washington, the two sides issued a joint statement on Friday, citing closer cooperation on a military level amid Beijing’s attempts to “destabilize” the region
Furthermore, according to Reuters:
The ministers [of Japan and the US] expressed concerns that China’s efforts “to undermine the rules-based order” presented “political, economic, military and technological challenges to the region and the world”, according to their statement.
“They resolved to work together to deter and, if necessary, respond to destabilising activities in the region,” it said.
The ministers also said they had “serious and ongoing concerns” about human rights in China’s Xinjiang and Hong Kong regions and stressed the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.
So, though the Red Chinese might have a step up on the US in terms of taking the future fight seriously, the US and its allies might finally be waking up to the threat posed by the dragon.
Reflecting that is China’s outrage, always its go to reaction to any proactive US policy in the region. Reacting firmly against the recently announced vows of closer collaboration, it said:
“We deplore and firmly oppose the gross interference in China’s internal affairs by the U.S., Japan and Australia and the fabrication of false information to smear China and undermine the solidarity and mutual trust of countries in the region”
However, though it’s clear that Japan and the US are at least starting to take China more seriously and it’s furious about that, what is unclear is what new policies will result from the vows.
The US is the largest military spender in the world by a large margin and Japan, though it could certainly spend more on defense, has already amassed about a thousand warplanes and many ships and submarines with which it could assist the US in a war with China.
One route the two countries might take is a shared focus on missile defense, as Japan’s defense minister recently said “We need to pursue all available means including cooperation with the United States to strengthen comprehensive missile defence capabilities.”
But wars are not won by defense alone. What might be the strongest signal of a renewed focus on and commitment to defeating China would be if Japan freed itself of limitations on what weapons it could possess and when it could take military action; currently, the country’s defense policies are severely limited by the restraints imposed on it after WWII.
In any case, though more needs to be done, it’s certainly welcome news that the US and Japan are finally readying themselves to deal with the dragon.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
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