The extremely progressive city of Vancouver like other large cities in Canada and the United States has seen a massive surge of fentanyl-related overdoses during the pandemic. While lawmakers are focused on pushing vaccine mandates, they are completely ignoring the fentanyl epidemic. An underground activist group called DULF(Drug User Liberation Front) is looking to stop overdoses. The only problem is they are giving users free drugs out in the open in Vancouver, Canada in an attempt to stop overdoses.
Yes, that’s right DULF is handing out free Heroin, Meth, Cocaine, and other hard drugs that have been tested negative for Fentanyl. The logic by DULF is that if users can do drugs that do not contain Fentanyl then the overdose rates will go down. There’s a major flaw in that logic because drugs even without fentanyl can still cause someone to overdose or deteriorate one’s health.
Essentially what DULF is doing is giving out free drugs and enabling users to stay addicted. DULF only hands out free drugs on selected dates, so in between the free drug handouts, users will have plenty of time to, unfortunately, get ahold of drugs that do contain fentanyl.
A co-founder who organized the free drug handouts was quoted saying there is no risk of overdosing on “fentanyl” but there is a risk of overdosing on the drug itself. The city of Vancouver doesn’t;t condone the ‘safe supply’ pop-up events, but they have done nothing to stop the movement either.
Vice did an entire documentary on it and you can check it out here:
Canada isn’t the only country that is allowing radical progressives to take part in creating drug policies, the United States has a few states that have initiated pilots for safe drug injection sites and New York City has become the first US city to legalize supervise drug injections sites.
According to NPR former mayor of NYC Bill de Blasio was quoted saying:
“After exhaustive study, we know the right path forward to protect the most vulnerable people in our city,” de Blasio said in a statement on Nov. 30. “Overdose prevention centers are a safe and effective way to address the opioid crisis.”
East Harlem parents rip de Blasio for putting ‘safe injection site’ near daycare https://t.co/tdRz7NYgKw pic.twitter.com/H1j1vCXJxP
— New York Post (@nypost) December 3, 2021
Parents are infuriated that NYC officials are setting the precedent that doing drugs is okay as long as you do it safely. At each injection site, users are provided with sterile needles and a healthcare professional is monitoring users just in case they overdose.
A drug injection site was opened up in East Harlem which made residents furious due to the fact it opened up right across the street from a daycare center. Democrats claim to support the African American Community but in reality, instead of funding after-school programs or counseling programs, Democrats are opening up drug injection sites in predominately black neighborhoods.
If this trend continues then liberals will attempt to allow injection sites everywhere and even allow them at public schools. To be honest the millions of dollars that are being spent at Drug Injection sites should be given to Teen Challenge ministries which has one of the highest rates in the country for drug rehabilitation programs.
This story syndicated with permission from My Patriot Post