Don’t want your job taken by illegal immigrants that are paid in cash wages far lower than what the government has told employers they must pay you? Don’t want legal immigrants flooding into the country and stealing jobs from your children? Don’t want both groups sucking up America’s housing supply, placing an immense strain on LEOs and the welfare system, and further crowding our infrastructure?
Too bad. The Chamber of Commerce CEO, far more interested in protecting and furthering elite interests like topline “GDP growth” than how the economy is working for the average, taxpaying, hardworking American, wants to give amnesty to illegals and double legal immigration.
Speaking Tuesday, January 11th, Chamber of Commerce CEO Suzanne Clark said:
I talk to CEOs and leaders of businesses of every size, industry, and region every day—and to a person they tell me this: This workforce shortage is a crisis. It is contributing to supply chain disruptions and rising inflation. It is undermining business growth.
We can’t simply move people from one industry to another, or from one skill-level to the next. We have to grow our workforce if we want to grow our economy and stay competitive.
So, who wants to put their talent to work and pursue their dreams in a dynamic economy flush with opportunity? Immigrants of every skill level. Where are they going to go? The U.S. or Canada? Let’s make it Austin or Boston, Atlanta or Denver, or any of the countless U.S. destinations in search of top talent.
We must double the number of people legally immigrating to the U.S. And we must create a permanent solution for the “dreamers”—those young men and women who know no other home and who contribute to their communities, but whose legal status is in limbo.
Clark is certainly right to say that “this workforce shortage is a crisis.” It is, as it is hamstringing businesses, and, more importantly, means that many former workers are remaining on the welfare dole.
But doubling immigration and giving amnesty to illegals to deal with it? Now that’s a radical policy. To be clear, doubling legal immigration alone, which is now apparently the Chamber’s official position, would mean bringing anywhere from two to four million legal immigrants to the U.S. each and every year.
Plus, that’s just the legal side of it. Clark also wants to reward criminality and let the millions of so-called “dreamers,” who are, in reality, lawbreakers here by the grace of the Obama regime.
Do we really need 4 million foreign workers flooding into the US each year? Why not just slash welfare benefits to push people off the welfare rolls and back into work while also helping unemployed Americans find jobs? As Breitbart reports, many Americans want them:
Clark’s remarks come as 12 million Americans, all of whom want full-time jobs, remain unemployed and another nearly four million Americans are underemployed but want full-time work.
The reason is that Clark represents the oligarchs, greedy men and women who would rather see wages pushed down by immigration than American workers lifted up by jobs with higher wages. If it means getting yet another stock option, boosting their profits per can of beans by a nickel, or any other such “benefit,” they’re more than okay with leaving millions of Americans, men and women who are their countrymen, out on the street while immigrants take their jobs.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will – Trending Politics