President Brandon, with Mitch “the RINO” McConnell’s help, already pushed through reams of spending bills last year, spending trillions of dollars on useless nonsense even as inflation spiked to record highs and tremendously increased costs for average Americans.
But, unsurprisingly, now he wants to blow even more money on “fighting” Covid, this time claiming that Omicron justifies spending yet another “substantial” sum.
News on that comes from House Majority Leader Hoyer, who revealed on January 11th that Team Brandon is seeking another “substantial” sum, this time in the form of an “emergency supplemental” bill, to combat Omicron and its effects.
Speaking on Omicron and the idea of the government spending yet more money to reporters, Hoyer said “It has an immediacy and an urgency that should compel us to move quickly. The administration is talking about a supplemental appropriation, which I would think would be an emergency legislation, because we have an emergency that this extraordinary transmissibility of this Omicron variant is showing us where we have geometric increases in people are becoming sick; that’s the bad news.”
However, while Hoyer was quick to call Omicron an “emergency” when pushing for more money to spend, he quickly added that the new variant isn’t really all that threatening to most people, something he described as being the good news.
But, despite that moment of clarity and truth, he went on to hype the threat and not so subtly hint that he and Brandon want more money to spend on dealing with it, saying:
“I think the administration will be coming down in the near term with a request not only for health activities in America, but also it is clear that if we do not help substantially around the world in getting people vaccinated, that the variant will continue to have host people to have another variant and another variant and another variant. So I expect for there to be additional sums requested, substantial sums to be requested, to deal with and confront and try to contend with the coronavirus that has afflicted us now for almost two years.”
Then, continuing on that track and hypothesizing how the money could be spent, Hoyer said:
“We ought to have tests free, the home test, and other tests, ought to be free so that we can encourage and incentivize people to get tested to know whether they’re sick. And also to make sure that the ease of access to vaccinations is such that there is no impediment other than people’s, for whatever reasons, desire or intention not to be vaccinated. And I find it hard to understand that action.
Clearly as well, we need to make sure that schools have the resources to keep themselves safe because we need to get children back into schools. Some are in schools now but it’s clear that the virtual learning is hurting a lot of kids for the last year. And the longer it goes on the greater detriment there will be to their learning.”
While he’s right on the topic of schools, as kids do need to get back into schools, it’s scary that the government is still pushing to spend immense sums after spending trillions last year. Get ready for yet more inflation that could have been avoided if our politicians were even somewhat fiscally responsible.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will – Trending Politics