In an excellent interview with Breitbart News Saturday, former Navy SEAL and Missouri Governor Eric Greitans took the radical left to task, calling it out and saying that it is “actively trying to destroy” America.
Of course, that’s not where he began. First, when discussing his commanding, 20 point lead in the Missouri Senate race, Greitens contributed the lead to his being “the MAGA candidate,” saying:
I’m the MAGA candidate in this race. I’m the America first candidate in this race. I came out, and we went down to Maricopa County to investigate election integrity…We’ve called nonsense on all of the leftist lies about January 6. And so the people of Missouri recognize that we’re the America first candidate.
A bit later in the interview, he also defended the outcome of that MAGA record, saying:
As governor, we defeated Black Lives Matter, defeated ANTIFA, took on the establishment, took on the regulatory state. We did all of that. And a lot of times Matt, [our] biggest battles were not with the Dems.
The biggest fights we had were with the RINOs in the Republican establishment who wanted to keep playing games.”
On the note of RINOs, he also took time to skewer Mitch “the RINO” McConnell, saying:
I was the first person in the country to say that when I’m in the Senate, why I’m voting against Mitch McConnell because we need strong America first leadership.
It’s really simple, Matt. the American people, all of your loyal listeners, need to have leaders who are willing to fight for them. And what we’ve seen time and time and time again is the Republican establishment and the RINOs, they turn. They turn on President Trump. They turn against the American people. We saw all of that on January 6, we saw with the election integrity fights. We even saw it with things like Joe Biden’s absurd infrastructure plan.
After defending his policies and attacking McConnell, Greitens launched his blitz against the left, saying:
We saw hundreds of people crossing. I picked up IDs on the Mexican side of the border, Matt, from Egypt, from the United Arab Emirates. People are coming from all over the world. It is a completely open border. And we have to recognize the nature of the enemy that we’re facing. This is not just Joe Biden’s dementia. This is not just confusion. This is the left actively trying to destroy our country. The assault on fundamental liberties, the assault on freedom of speech, the assault on freedom of worship, the assault on the Second Amendment. This is a tyrannical movement.
While he also went after jab mandates, discussed taking on the China threat with eyes wide open, lambasted the January 6th committee, and discussed the gradual wokification of the US military, that quote about the left destroying America was undoubtedly the highlight of the terrific interview.
In it, Greitens defines just what’s wrong with America right now: anti-American, tyrannical radicals have taken over and are waging war on all the values and rights Americans hold dear. Before we take on China or do anything else, that’ll have to be solved.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
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