According to the Old Dominion’s newly-installed Governor, Glenn Youngkin, a politician that won largely because of the left’s pushing of CRT and transgenderism on Virginia’s schools, the leftists that claim CRT isn’t being taught are just “obfuscating” and, though they might be taught under different names, its tenets are still being taught.
Those comments came when Governor Youngkin appeared on Fox News Sunday and discussed Critical Race Theory and its presence in schools with host John Roberts (not the SCOTUS judge).
During the show, Roberts asked “Critics of your position, including former President Obama, say, look, Critical Race Theory is not being taught in schools and that this was merely a trumped-up, phony culture war. What do you say to that? And what does your executive order actually do in terms of Critical Race Theory?”
Youngkin quickly responded, demolishing that lie and speaking the truth about what’s really going on with CRT, saying:
“Anyone who thinks that the concepts that underpin Critical Race Theory are not in our schools hasn’t been in our schools.
The curriculum has moved in a very opaque way that has hidden a lot of this from parents. And so we, in fact, are going to increase transparency so that parents can actually see what’s being taught in schools.
We’re not going to teach our children to view everything through a lens of race. Yes, we will teach all history. The good and the bad. Because we can’t know where we’re going unless we know where we have come from.
But to actually teach our children that one group is advantaged and another is disadvantaged simply because of the color of their skin cuts across everything we know to be true.”
Roberts then asked, “Is it your contention that Critical Race Theory is being taught in Virginia public schools?”
Youngkin, responding in a thoughtful way that exposed both that he has studied the issue and how the left is trying to sneak CRT concepts into the schools, said:
“There’s not a course called critical race theory. All the principles of Critical Race Theory, the fundamental building blocks of actually accusing one group of being oppressors and another of being oppressed, of actually burdening children today for the sins of the past, for teaching our children to judge one another based on the color of their skin. Yes, that does exist in Virginia schools today. And that’s why I have signed the executive orders yesterday to make sure that we get it out of our schools.
We absolutely have to recognize what the left, liberals do here is try to obfuscate this issue, saying there is not a course of Critical Race Theory.
Of course, there are not in elementary school. But in fact, there are absolutely the tenets of CRT present in the schools and what the executive order went at yesterday.”
Though Roberts cites Obama, many leftists have pushed the message that CRT isn’t being taught. As Fox reported, quite a number of regime media outlets pushed that exact message:
“Critical race theory – that is not taught in public schools in Virginia,” The Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart is seen saying on PBS “NewsHour.”
“There’s no evidence it’s been taught in public schools, an NBC News report declared.
“Critical race theory not taught in Virginia schools,” a guest on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” said.
The left is trying to hide the toxic propaganda it’s pushing on America’s children. Fortunately, vigilant conservatives like Gov. Youngkin are on the lookout for it.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will – Trending Politics