Rep. Clyburn, a radical Democrat from South Carolina, isn’t tacking back away from the radical left after boldly and ridiculously proclaiming that Trump and those who showed up on January 6th are domestic enemies.
No, rather than back down or apologize for saying that Trump’s tweeting about voter fraud and instituting secure voting procedures makes the US like a “third world” country, Clyburn doubled down on the ridiculous rhetoric, this time saying that those who don’t support Brandon’s radical legislative agenda are “supporting autocracy.”
Those comments came when Rep. Clyburn appeared on MSNBC’s “Craig Melvin Reports” Monday, using the far-left sympathies of that disreputable outlet to push his insane talking points. Here’s what he said:
“[T]he same people who are stopping this, they’re stopping Build Back Better. And the child tax credit that we need in place now is in Build Back Better. Affordable housing that we need for people who lost their houses and lost their wealth is now — has got less than half the wealth that white people have, we need the affordable housing bill. That’s in a Build Back Better.
And so people who are stopping Build Back Better, stopping voting, they are trying to go to the heart of what’s needed in the African American community in order for us to maintain this pursuit of perspective that we have been on for a long, long time.
“These people are supporting autocracy over democracy, and that’s the big issue here. It would have come earlier if the president had put this out there earlier.”
Ah, so to not support a massive, $1.9 trillion spending bill and some radical voting bill that would overturn more than a century of precedent is “supporting autocracy.”
Even more ridiculous is the implication that not supporting getting rid of the filibuster, an act that would let the left pass both of those insane bills, is somehow “supporting autocracy.” Apparently, in the smooth-brained mind of a leftist, supporting a check on government power is somehow sympathizing with autocrats. Makes total sense.
Then there’s the racial impetus behind his statements, one that is more than ridiculous; Clyburn, by arguing that those who don’t support two radical bills are somehow enemies of the black community, is viciously slandering anyone who disagrees with Brandon’s to the left of Karl Marx agenda as a racist.
While par for the course when it comes to disagreeing with leftists, people who are never scared to use the “racist” slur no matter how ridiculous, it’s still disappointing and an utterly repugnant act.
Beyond all the flaws in his argument, however, Clyburn’s argument is simply ridiculous on its face.
Manchin and Sinema are hardly aspiring autocrats, nor are members of the GOP. By standing against Build Back Better and nuking the filibuster, they’re standing against increasing government power and removing a check on radical, unpopular action. In what way is that possibly autocratic?
Of course, Clyburn will never answer, nor will he repent. His statements are meant to rile up similarly radical leftists, not to be taken seriously by people without blue hair and with more brain cells than Brandon.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
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