Think that voting over who controls the republic or states within the republic is supposed to be an action that only citizens of those states or this republic can participate in? Well, think again, because radical leftists across the union are trying to create a situation where anyone can vote. Yes, anyone.
The biggest headline about that came from New York City, which recently voted to let about 900,000 non-citizens vote. As the Washington Times reported about a month ago, when that repugnant idea was being considered:
The measure would allow noncitizens who have been lawful permanent residents of the city for at least 30 days, as well as those authorized to work in the U.S., including so-called “Dreamers,” to help select the city’s mayor, city council members, borough presidents, comptroller and public advocate.
It’s since been passed, meaning that those “Dreamers” and other non-citizens can vote.
However, while New York City might be one of the largest areas that now let non-citizens vote, its plan is hardly the most radical.
That award of dubious honor goes to the California city of San Jose, which, despite being overrun with gang violence exacerbated by, if not the direct result of, the high number of illegals present within it, is planning on letting those illegals vote in its elections. As The Federalist’s Spencer Lindquist reports:
[San Jose], plagued by Mexican gang violence, persistent homelessness, and a startling degree of income inequality, may allow illegal immigrants to vote in local elections and serve on city boards. The city council, led by Mayor Sam Liccardo, recently voted to “direct city officials to study the potential impacts of changing the city charter to allow noncitizens the right to vote in municipal elections.” This policy will have to be approved by voters as a ballot measure. Should it pass, many of the estimated 157,876 illegally present foreign citizens in Santa Clara County will have a say in government affairs.
Sounds like a wonderful idea. Next, we can let prisoners handle parole hearings and have Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton tag team Ghislaine Maxwell’s prosecution.
In any case, the details might be even worse than Mr. Lindquist reported. For example, Fox KTVU gives an even more dire estimation of how many illegals might be enfranchised by the insane bill, reporting that “Supporters say this measure would affect more than 200,000 people who are not citizens living in San Jose.”
Further, the same outlet reports that Councilmember Magdalena Carrasco said “This moment is about our recovery. It’s about resilience. We need to make sure that the voice of our non-citizen community is not suppressed or erased.” They’re not even hiding what they’re up to; radicals like Carrasco are openly celebrating their cheapening of the vote.
Similarly, a document from the city council states: “To say that our undocumented immigrant community is our strength is not doing them justice” and that illegals “are the foundation upon which we have built our nation and city.” Not only are they celebrating the destruction of the franchise, but they’re also spitting on citizens and raising up lawbreakers. Despicable.
This is horrendous and radical. San Jose, in opening the franchise to illegals and other non-citizens, is destroying the sanctity of America’s elections yet further. Such actions cannot be permitted.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
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