While businesses continue to work hand in hand with the vaxx pushers to make employees take the Fauci ouchie in some form or another, many Americans are angry that their employer can give them a “take a jab or be fired” ultimatum.
They’re not alone; people are also furious that businesses are trying to mandate the vaccine for their customers and stand against that too.
That’s according to a poll conducted by The Economist and YouGov found that 50% of Americans opposed business vaccine mandates, with only 38% of Americans, on average, believing that businesses should be able to mandate vaccines.
When broken down into different demographics, it’s apparent that a majority of men with and without college degrees oppose vaccine mandates (52% and 56%, respectively), while women’s views on the jab mandate are somewhat more dependent on their education level. 63% of women without a college degree oppose the business-created jab mandate for customers, but only 49% of women with a college degree believe the same.
Additionally, blacks and hispanics are somewhat more mixed on the business-induced jab mandates than whites; only 38% of blacks and 36% of hispanics are against such mandates with 40% of blacks and 46% of hispanics supporting such mandates.
Other demographic factors such as income level and age are less determinative; though there are some differences between different age groups and income levels, they’re generally about 50% opposed to the business jab mandates for customers.
The only region of America that approves of the business-created jab mandates is the West, which includes the far-left states of California and Oregon, so that’s no real surprise. All three other regions disapprove of such mandates by a wide margin.
And those weren’t the only interesting jab mandate survey results. The same survey, which polled 1500 Americans, found that quite the plurality of respondents, 45%, are opposed to K-12 schools imposing jab mandates on their students.
Unfortunately, that doesn’t carry over to colleges and universities. Though a plurality of Americans is against forcing kindergarteners to get the jab, Americans are decidedly more mixed on the topic of college students getting it; 44% said that colleges and universities should not be able to mandate the jab, while 45% said they should be able to.
The general anti-mandate sentiment does, however, apply to healthcare. Now that some doctors and hospitals are saying they won’t see patients unless those patients have taken the Fauci Ouchie, the public is wrestling with whether such people and facilities should be able to mandate the jab as a condition for healthcare.
As with business mandates, the public is decidedly opposed to such mandates, even if just under a majority are against them. On this issue, 49% of Americans, a plurality, said that healthcare facilities and professionals shouldn’t be able to mandate vaccines for their patients while 34% said that they should be able to.
While the poll results aren’t overwhelming, they show that Americans are generally opposed to some mandate that requires them to take a vaccine. Even if they personally have gotten the jab and/or think it works, they’re less likely to think it should be mandatory.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will – Trending Politics