Sometimes, when your little project gets caught letting one of its key members sexually harass young boys, it’s time to admit you might not be the good guys and move on to greener, less-disgraced pastures.
But the founder of the Lincoln Project, the place where John Weaver the pedophile harassed young boys, didn’t seem to get that memo.
Instead, he, a supposed conservative, took to MSNBC’s “TheReidOut” to attack real conservatives. While on that idiotic program, he, speaking of non-RINO Republicans, said:
“They’re trying to throw so much friction into voting and all the sand into the machine, especially in communities they don’t feel will be reliable voters for them. So they are not going to bitch and moan about early voting in a red county.
This is exactly the kind of mechanism that proto authoritarian states and authoritarian states set up. They want to say who can vote, when they can vote, how they can vote, when the votes are counted.
They want to have a veto of the vote count at the end. They want to also say they can bring criminal sanctions and try to intimidate people who are trying to go out and register voters. They want to bring criminal sanctions with these organizations.
You know who enforces the law? State attorneys enforce the law. They don’t need an election police force. This is a tool of intimidation. And it is frankly a sign again.
They don’t want elections. They would like 2024 to be the last election. They want to be like the Ba’ath Party in Iraq. They have a thing called elections, and the dear leader gets 117% of the vote.”
Ah, so because the GOP is against voter fraud and wants to ensure that only citizens vote and that they only vote once, we’re basically Saddam Hussein. Just wait until Team Pedo starts claiming that we’re “literally Hitler” like Nikki Fried is saying about DeSantis.
Oh wait, he more or less said that too, claiming that the GOP wants to create a “dystopian, bizarre authoritarian police state.” Perhaps he’s just made we don’t support him and his pedophile friends. In any case, at a different point in the segment he said:
“Look, if Ron DeSantis forms his own election police force, he needs to start in the Villages, a Republican hotbed, where the only cases of voter fraud in the 2020 election in Florida came from. They were all Republicans.
They were all Trump supporters. But I’m going to promise you if he does get his way with the legislature, and he probably will because they are basically like a trained dog for him right now, what will happen is they won’t be in The Villages or anywhere there is a Republican question. They will be in communities of color. They will be in Miami-Dade county. They will be in Palm Beach. They will be in Duval, will be in Hillsborough.
They will not be out there looking for actual election fraud. They will be looking for ways to justify giving the dear leader, whether it’s dear leader Ron or Don, the boost they need and using this as a method to intimidate primarily voters of color. This is exactly and explicitly what it is for.
I think it’s a sign that the Republicans are going to build this system no matter what we say or do about it in these states where they have control. It will be the thing they say ‘Oh how dare you say we’re building a dystopian bizarre authoritarian police state,’ while they are busy building a dystopian bizarre authoritarian police state.”
Wilson apparently thinks the leftist tiger will eat him last if he slanders real Republicans. What a fool.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will – Trending Politics