After Trump made one comment about why people shouldn’t lie or be ashamed of their jab status, the media lost its mind gleefully reporting that Trump and DeSantis were feuding. All the usual suspects, from the MSM regime toadies at the Washington Post to acerbic, anti-Trump conservatives like Anne Coulter were happy to say that Trump and DeSantis were fighting.
They’re not, however; neither man, when asked, has had anything negative to say about the other.
DeSantis was the first to push back on the rumors and fake news reports, saying that they were nothing more than a “fabricated media narrative” in a statement and pointing out that it the narrative was obviously meant to distract people from Brandon’s many failures:
“It’s not a coincidence that this fabricated media narrative emerged during the worst week of Biden’s presidency to date, as it became clear Biden would not be able to deliver on Build Back Better, enact sweeping legislation to federalize elections, or ‘shut down the virus’ as he had promised during his campaign.”
DeSantis also, at one point, responded to the rumors by saying
“I think this is what the media does, and you cannot fall for the bait. You know what they’re trying to do. Don’t take the bait, and just kind of keep on keeping on. We need everybody united for a big red wave in 2022.”
Trump too attacked the rumors, saying on a wide-ranging press call that:
“When he [DeSantis] wanted to run, he asked for my support and I supported him and he went up immediately very, very high. He won the election the day I announced I was going to give him my endorsement. Then I helped him beat their so-called star, the Democrats’ so-called star, who turned out not to be very much of a star. But I have a very good relationship with him and we’ve had that for a long time and I was very supportive of him and I continue to be. I think he’s good.”
Then, Trump said much the same thing as DeSantis when talking to Sean Hannity, who, Fox reports, “relayed that DeSantis said there was no conflict or bickering between the two when he met recently with one of Hannity’s friends.” Hannity then asked, “is he right?”
Trump replied in the affirmative, first saying “Well, he is right.”
Then, Trump continued and elaborated, demolishing the media narrative and saying “The Republicans really stuck together, and it was a great thing, and Ron was one of them, and Ron wanted to run [for governor], and I endorsed him, and that helped him greatly, and he went on, and he’s done a really terrific job in Florida. Ron has been very good. He’s been a friend of mine for a long time. It’s totally fake news.”
Trump also said, “I have a very good relationship with Ron and intend to have it for a long time.”
Trump and DeSantis both claim they’re still good friends. Good; both are needed to keep the MAGA movement going.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will – Trending Politics