The RINO types like to pretend that if conservatives actually push through the abortion restrictions the base wants, then they’d become radioactive and unelectable. According to polling, that RINO lie couldn’t be farther from the truth; it’s the domestic WMDs in Iraq.
A survey of 1,004 adults conducted by Marist Poll found that a massive 71% of Americans are in favor of some form of abortion restrictions.
In fact, only 17% of Americans think that abortions should be allowed under any circumstances and a further 12% think that think it should be allowed during the first six months of a pregnancy.
But, other than those baby killers, a relatively small 29% of Americans think that abortion should only be allowed in the first trimester or not at all, with that number jumping to a massive 93% of Republicans.
Even better, nearly half of Americans (49 percent), don’t even want abortion to be allowed during the first trimester at all, except for some that think it’s okay if it’s for the purpose of saving the mother or a result of rape or incest.
POLL: 71% of Americans support some restrictions on abortion (illegal after 1st trimester; only in cases of rape/incest; only to save life of mother; not allowed under any circumstances). 93% of Rs, 70% of independents, & nearly half of Dems support these. https://t.co/cAfYQqD5xz pic.twitter.com/5tf0ZKYace
— John Daniel Davidson (@johnddavidson) January 21, 2022
Yet better, the poll also found that more than half of America, or 54 percent, do not think that there should be taxpayer-funded abortions in the US. Far more Americans, 73 percent, think that the US should not send tax dollars overseas to fund abortions. Under Trump, tax dollars weren’t used for such evil acts. Under Biden, they are.
Those results stand in stark contrast to the message pushed by the ruling elite. While the RINOs have lied about abortion for a while, saying that it needs to be allowed or the GOP won’t win elections, something that this poll proves to be demonstrably false, this poll shows that the leftists are even worse liars.
Remember, they’re the ones that went from saying that abortion should be “safe, legal, and rare” to saying that it should be allowed under almost any circumstance. Team Brandon, for example, released a statement saying:
The constitutional right established in Roe v. Wade nearly 50 years ago today is under assault as never before. It is a right we believe should be codified into law, and we pledge to defend it with every tool we possess. We are deeply committed to protecting access to health care, including reproductive health care—and to ensuring that this country is not pushed backwards on women’s equality.
[…]The Biden-Harris Administration strongly supports efforts to codify Roe, and we will continue to work with Congress on the Women’s Health Protection Act. All people deserve access to reproductive health care regardless of their gender, income, race, zip code, health insurance status, immigration status, disability, or sexual orientation. And the continued defense of this constitutional right is essential to our health, safety, and progress as a nation.
If this Marist poll is correct, then such an act as passing the WHPA, which more or less removes restrictions on abortion, will prove to be highly, highly unpopular with the majority of Americans, almost three quarters of whom don’t even think abortion should be allowed after the first trimester or shouldn’t be allowed at all except under rare circumstances.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will – Trending Politics