It’s less than a month into 2022 and thugs have already murdered five police officers in three states, those horrific murders standing as a testament to the massive crime wave sweeping across the country.
As Breitbart reports, one murder happened in LA, where Officer Fernando Arroyos was murders by gang-affiliated thugs while shopping for a home with his girlfried. He died bravely, shot while helping his girlfriend escape to safety:
Officer Fernando Arroyos had served three years with the Los Angeles Police Department in California when, on January 10, he was allegedly robbed at gunpoint by members of the F-13 Gang. At the time of the robbery, Arroyos and his girlfriend were looking at a home for sale when the gang members confronted them.
Arroyos, while getting his girlfriend to safety, was shot at by the gang members. Arroyos returned fire but had been wounded. He was rushed to a nearby hospital where he died from his injuries.
The DOJ has charged his murderer, not anyone in LA city government, so perhaps justice will be served and the murderer won’t be let off the hook by a soft-on-crime prosecutor or bleeding heart DA.
Arroyos’s murder was the first cop killing of 2022; it only took ten days for thugs to murder one of LA’s finest.
The second murder took place in New York, where Officer Jason Rivera was shot and killed while responding to a domestic disturbance call. His partner was gravely wounded during the attack.
His murder could certainly have been avoided, as the man who is alleged to have killed him was a career criminal on probation at the time. As the New York Post reports:
The man who allegedly ambushed and shot two NYPD officers — one fatally — in Harlem Friday is a convicted felon who was on probation at the time, authorities said.
[…]McNeil was then busted for assaulting a police officer in Pennsylvania in 2002, Essig said.
In 2003, he was arrested twice in Pennsylvania, once on a felony drug charge and also on a misdemeanor narcotics charge.
That murder took place on January 21st; eleven more days and another cop killed, this time with his partner wounded alongside him.
The third killing took place on the same day, back in California, where a drunk driver hit and killed officer Tyler Lenehan. The drunk driver had been arrested for drunk driving in 2017 and was driving down the wrong side of the highway when he killed officer Lenehan.
The fourth murder took place just two days later, January 23rd. Corporal Charles Galloway was murdered in Texas when he pulled over a thug as part of a routine traffic stop and the criminal got out of the car and shot him. As Breitbart reported of the murder:
Harris County Precinct 5 Constables Office Corporal Charles Galloway conducted a traffic stop on Beechnut Dr in southwest Houston at about 12:45 a.m. Sunday, according to a report by Fox 26 Houston. The driver reportedly stepped out of his vehicle and fired what police describe as an “assault-style weapon” at Corporal Galloway’s patrol vehicle.
[…]The suspect, described as a young Hispanic male, fired multiple rounds from his weapon striking Corporal Galloway multiple times. Galloway was pronounced dead at the scene.
The final cop killing of 2022, so far, at least, took place just a day later, again in Texas. On January 24th, Sheriff’s Sgt. Ramon Gutierrez was hit and killed by a drunk driver.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
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