Tired of McConnell the squishy RINO constantly ruining the plans of conservatives and handing over victory to the left so he can feel good about “reaching across the aisle?” Ready for Pelosi, the real estate investor and stock trader that has made millions as a “public servant” to leave the political scene for good? Sick and tired of Tony Fauci going on some leftist news network and flip-flopping on issues while enacting tyrannical mandates that ruin your life?
Well, you’re not alone. A massive chunk of America, according to a recent TIPP/Issues and Insights poll, is ready for all three of those uniparty apparatchiks to retire.
According to I&I, the poll asked “Should the following officials retire soon or continue?” Those polled “were then given the names of four major public officials: Republican Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Chief Presidential Medical Advisor Anthony Fauci, and Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer.”
Breyer and Fauci both did badly, but McConnell and Pelosi were probably the biggest losers, as the poll reports:
Mitch McConnell has become a lightning rod of sorts for criticism from all sides, so, not surprisingly, he gets the biggest response. Overall, 59% of those queried said he should quit as Senate minority leader, while 17% said no and fully 25% said “not sure.”
But his House counterpart, Nancy Pelosi, isn’t far behind. Overall, 56% of those who responded to the poll want her to leave, versus 27% who don’t and 17% not sure.
And what makes the poll results particularly bad for McConnell and Pelosi, with McConnel being hit particularly hard, is that their own parties have turned on them with a vengeance:
What’s perhaps surprising for both is the number in their own parties who want them to go. For McConnell, the number for Republicans is 53% vs. 23% who say no, while Democrats (66% yes, 23% no) and independents (57% vs. 15%) aren’t too very different.
Pelosi’s numbers are better, in that a slender plurality of her own party want her to stay on: (41% say she should retire, vs. 43% who say she shouldn’t). Still, that 41% number is quite large, and indicates significant discontent within her own party with her leadership.
But the California Democrat does far worse among Republicans (80% vs. 12%) and independents (59% vs. 20%).
So, while both might still have some base of power within their parties, they’re by no means destined to remain in a leading role for long, even if their constituents are still willing to elect them.
While Fauci and Breyer weren’t hit as hard as Pelosi and McConnell, neither man is particularly popular.
A slim plurality of the population (41%), for instance, thinks that it is time for Fauci to retire. Breyer, a liberal justice on the Supreme Court, isn’t popular either. According to the poll:
No one, it seems, is overly enthused about him leaving, although a small plurality across the board think it might be a good idea. Overall, 32% say yes, he should retire, while 25% say no. “Not sure,” however, is the biggest response, at 42%.
At 38% vs. 25%, a plurality of Democrats say they’d like to see Breyer retire. The comparable numbers for the Republicans are 30% to 29%, while independents come in at 29% to 24%. And “unsure” is again a big number for all three groups: Democrats (26%), Republicans (29%) and independents (24%).
So, he’s not in as dire straights as any of the others, but he’s still not in a great position.
Overall, the poll shows that those public figures who have been in the news the most are becoming unpopular, with McConnell, who has betrayed the conservative base time and time again, becoming the most unpopular of those asked about. The others have their bases of popular support, but the sharks are starting to circle.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will – Trending Politics