Viterbu University is a small, private, Catholic university. As such, you might expect it to at least somewhat conform to traditional views of gender and pronouns.
Well, unfortunately not. As the College Fix exposed, the university’s “Communications Style Guide” now instructs professors to use the term “all genders” rather than saying “both genders.” Here’s what that guide says:
Inclusive Language: Avoid broad generalizations, labels, and gender-stereotyping. Use all instead of both when referring to sexes/gender.
Oh, and it adds that gendering professions isn’t allowed either, saying “For occupations use gender-neutral terms when possible: chairperson, police officer, firefighter, council member, etc.” Because saying fireman rather than fireperson is the real problem in America today.
Still, those two suggestions were just the beginning of the style guide’s wokeness. For example, it also requires the word “black” to be capitalized when referring to black people. In the words of the style guide:
“Black: Use the capitalized term as an adjective in racial, ethnic, or cultural sense.
Do not use either term as a singular noun. For plurals, phrasing such as ‘Black teachers,’ ‘white students,’ ‘Black officers’ is preferable when clearly relevant: White officers account for 65% of the police force, Black officers 21%, and Latino officers 15%. The message targeted Black business owners. The plural nouns ‘Blacks’ and ‘whites’ are generally acceptable when clearly relevant and needed for reasons of space or sentence construction: He helped integrate housing among Blacks, whites, Latinos, and Asian Americans.”
Should the first letter of other colors used to describe other races be capitalized? Should professors write “White,” for instance? That’s left unsaid, but it’s fair to expect not, as some races are more equal than others and we’re expected to bend the knee to wokeness, not to remain consistent in grammar and spelling.
As to how homosexuals, transgenders, etc. can be referred to, the style guide has this to say:
LGBTQ+: Acceptable in references to community who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning and/or queer; the + can include many other relevant categories including non-binary, allies, transitioning, etc. This is the standard designation used on campus and in publications.
The rest of the style guide is mostly full of good grammatical advice and useful punctuation tips; the problem is not with the guide itself, but with the wokeness of some of its contents. For a Catholic university, Viterbo has gone quite far to the left and outside the Bible’s bounds, especially on gender and sexuality issues.
However, this isn’t the first time Viterbo has gone woke. As the College Fix notes in its article on the subject:
The College Fix reported that university employee Alyssa Gostonczik referred to the practice as “denying hundreds of years of oppression to a group and then expecting them to be on the same level as you are, or saying things like, ‘Well, you can do anything, you just need to try harder,’ or ‘Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, you got this,’ when that individual is not even close to being on the same playing field as their white counterpart is.”
Will Viterbo go broke now that it’s gone woke and abandoned Biblical teachings? Time will tell.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
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