Kid Rock, the country-rock singer that became one of President Trump’s most valiant high-profile supporters, just dropped the hammer on Fauci, dedicating an entire song to tearing the short, wizened, raspy-voiced tyrant to pieces. Given that it’s released by such a huge name, a highly-popular figure, it’s hilarious that it was even released, and doubly funny that it’s become so popular so quickly.
Yet better (and you’ll rarely hear me praise vulgarity), it’s completely profane, with some describing it as an “f-bomb” nightmare. Now, normally I’d be against that, as I think being well-spoken is far more efficacious, normally, than bitter vulgarity.
But these aren’t normal times. These are dark days, mainly due to all that Fauci has done to make them so. He’s to blame for the lockdowns, for the mandates, for all the petty tyrants that make your life miserable each and every day. He’s the one behind that, he’s the one that needs to be held accountable.
And, more than being just held accountable, the gross little tyrant just needs to be cursed out by someone. If anyone ever deserved a public tongue lashing it’s Anthony Fauci, and Kid Rock was more than happy to create one and then put it on the internet for all of us to laugh at and listen to. It’s called “We the People,” and it’s epic.
Kid Rock, in the song, sings “We the people, in all we do, reserve the right to scream, F**k you!” alongside a hilarious “let’s go Brandon” chorus.
In another one of the brilliant stanzas, he sings “Wear your mask. Take your pills. Now a whole generation is mentally ill,” which sums up our time better than anyone else. America: land of pills for every problem, disorders for every character flaw, and now masks and jabs for every cough coming out of China.
In yet another of the hilarious stanzas, he sings “COVID’s near. It’s coming to town. We gotta act quick, shut our borders down. Joe Biden does, the media embraces. Big Don does it, and they call him racist.”
Another one is “Inflation’s up like the minimum wage. So it’s all the same. Not a damn thing changed,” referring to how the wage gains of the past year that Team Brandon touts was more or less wiped out by skyrocketing inflation.
However, while the song is mainly confrontational, the song also includes a call for unity, with Kid Rock singing “we gotta keep fighting for the right to be free. And every human being doesn’t have to agree. We all bleed red, brother, listen to me. It’s time for love and unity.”
That unity, it can be assumed, probably doesn’t include Fauci, Brandon, or the other idiots that are the impetus for the song: we can get along better, much better, without those idiots driving the economy into the ground and the country into the dustbin of history. The rest of us can get along while those jokers receive continual tongue-lashings from Kid Rock.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will – Trending Politics