The question of which MAGA candidate should run in 2024 is one that’s currently bedeviling the conservative right.
On one hand, there’s Trump, who revived the right in 2015, should have won in 2020, and is a proven enemy of Red China and the globalist elite. He’s a bit volatile and doesn’t focus as he should, but he’s also all in on fighting the culture war and making America great.
On the other side is DeSantis, who is calmer and more focused than Trump, but hasn’t had as much time to prove himself an enemy of the elites and show that he’ll fight in the sort of savage, no holds barred style that Trump does. Additionally, many on the MAGA-right are worried that DeSantis has neo-con sympathies and are disturbed by the fact that the never-Trumper, Bill Kristol crowd supports him.
So, the choice is one between the volatile but proven fighter that is Trump and the more restrained but less proven DeSantis.
According to a recent survey, GOP voters are overwhelmingly in support of Trump, preferring him by a double-digit margin and generally thinking that DeSantis should only run if Trump doesn’t.
That poll, conducted by Echelon Insights, found that, when given a choice between Trump and DeSantis, the GOP is still strongly behind Trump.
According to it, when asked, “If the 2024 Republican presidential primaries were being held today and you had to make a choice, for whom would you vote?” Trump won by double-digits. He received 57 percent of the total vote to DeSantis’s 32 percent, a healthy win in what was more or less a straight-up contest between the two MAGA figures, as the other potential candidates are nowhere near as popular.
Of those who responded in favor of either Trump or DeSantis, only 17 percent said that they were all in for DeSantis and would “definitely” vote for him, whereas a massive 41 percent said that they would “definitely” vote for Trump, showing that Trump’s base is not only larger, but much more solid than that of DeSantis.
Futher, when asked
“Which of the following comes closest to your view, even if none are exactly right? Ron DeSantis should…” and then given the options of “Run for President in 2024, regardless of if Donald Trump runs or not,” “Run for President in 2024, only if Donald Trump does not run,” “Not run for President,” and “Unsure.”
The largest chuck, 31 percent said that DeSantis should only run if Trump does not, with another 18 percent saying that he shouldn’t run at all. Just over a quarter, 26 percent, said that he should run under any circumstances.
However, that’s not to say that the MAGA crowd doesn’t support DeSantis. Rather, when Trump is out of the picture, DeSantis easily trounces the other candidates, winning by a massive, 28 point margin.
What that result likely shows is that while the MAGA crowd supports and likes DeSantis, they just aren’t as enthusiastic about him, whether because he hasn’t proven himself or because he’s less aggressive than Trump. Perhaps his time will come in 2028.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will – Trending Politics