Right now, California is wilting under the burden of the Covid-19 mandates put into action by greasy-hair Gavin, their horrendously terrible governor.
Small business owners have had to suffer under mandate after mandate, unjust rule after unjust rule, watching as their finances drop into the red and their shops are boarded up in the name of “fighting Covid.” Apparently, Covid dies when the middle class suffers.
In any case, as we saw when he visited the French Laundry, a massively expensive restaurant, and dined maskless with his ritzy friends while Californians stayed at home with their businesses shuttered, Greasy Gavin himself has less than no intention of following his own rules when he can get away with not doing so.
Now, he’s hanging out maskless at a stadium, posing for a picture with Magic Johnson at a Rams-49ers game:
Gavin Newsom unmasked in a packed stadium while the state of CA still has emergency orders in place for Covid-19. pic.twitter.com/PUAZoYoql3
— Tomas Morales 🇺🇸 (@TomasMorales_iv) January 31, 2022
When confronted about the photo, taken during Sunday’s game, Gavin did admit to going maskless “for a few moments.” Sure, Greasy Gavin. Sure. We’ll all trust it was just for a few minutes.
But Gavin wasn’t the only Covid-crazy Dem that decided not to follow the rules they created. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and San Francisco Mayor London Breed also weren’t wearing masks when spotted at the game.
They did so in utter disregard of the rules they created. Right now, as the New York Post reports:
LA County currently has a mask mandate in place for outdoor “mega events” that host more than 5,000 people, regardless of vaccination status. The rules will apply for the Super Bowl matchup that will be hosted at the stadium on Feb. 13, local health officials have said.
Under SoFi Stadium’s policies — which adhere to the local health order — masks are required to be worn at all times except when people are eating or drinking.
Now, neither Gavin nor Johnson was holding a hotdog or sipping a beer. They weren’t eating, they weren’t drinking, they were breaking the rules that Gavin has foisted like a heavy yoke on the necks of average Californians.
Perhaps Garcetti and London Breed were, let’s give those two the undeserved benefit of the doubt.
Erin Mellon, Greasy Gavin’s communications director, told The New York Post:
“The Governor acknowledged that he took off his mask for a few moments during Sunday’s game.
He continues to encourage all Californians to do their part to get through the pandemic and this latest surge, including wearing a mask and getting vaccinated.”
Ah, so he doesn’t follow his own rules, and in fact doesn’t even offer an excuse and pretend he was holding a Coke or bag of Cracker Jacks, but he’s still “encouraging” (with police power, it can be assumed) Californians to follow whatever ridiculous diktats he says they must.
Like other Democrats that have broken their own Covid rules, he seems to have no problem whatsoever with telling his subjects “rules for thee, not for me!” Call Greasy Gavin out for this!
If he doesn’t want to wear masks, great, neither does anyone else. But if he’s gonna demand Californians do so, then he better follow those same rules himself.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will – Trending Politics