Since when are leftists concerned that cancel culture has gone too far? Since it started coming after them, apparently. Now that the tiger has moved on from Republicans that let slip a phrase that was okay until seven minutes ago and started eating leftists, they’re freaking out about it.
That could be seen on MSNBC, where Mika Brzezinski lamented cancel culture and Whoopi Goldberg’s present, self-inflicted predicament, saying:
“She [Whoopi Goldberg] made a terrible mistake. We all make terrible mistakes. She apologized for it immediately and took corrective actions. Now, I want to know, who is so frail over at ABC?
Everyone knows Whoopi Goldberg. She’s been on TV for decades. She’s been putting herself out there for decades. If you don’t know her heart, then you haven’t been watching. And so that’s why the two-week suspension to me seems more about … this unbelievable need to punish and judge people when they’ve made a mistake.
If Whoopi Goldberg is canceled, that would be the end of this all. This cancel culture is getting so out of hand.”
MSNBC is now complaining about cancel culture saying it’s “getting SO out of hand” 🤡
This is what happens when the monster YOU created turns on you and begins to eat you alive pic.twitter.com/NbsBezC9eb
— Drew Hernandez (@DrewHLive) February 2, 2022
So cancel culture hadn’t gone too far when it led to Nick Sandman and the Covington Catholic kids being slandered because some crazy guy started going harassing them.
It wasn’t a case of cancel culture going too far when Dr. Ford spread libel and unfounded accusations about Justice Kavanaugh when he was undergoing the Grand Inquisition that Supreme Court confirmations have turned into.
It wasn’t cancel culture going too far when men on college campuses were falsely accused of sexual assault and kicked out before they had a chance to defend themselves.
Nor was it, apparently, cancel culture going too far when Whoopi Goldberg slandered Kyle Rittenhouse, baselessly calling him a murderer.
But now, when Whoopi Goldberg, some demented Democrat with an IQ of 1, gets in trouble for downplaying the mass murder of millions, then, in Mika’s view, it has gone too far.
Ah, I get it. Cancel culture goes too far when it comes after leftists. Were Whoopi (somehow) a Republican and all the facts were the same, would Mika be worried about her fate?
No, of course not. Mika would be going off right now about the anti-Semitism of everyone that ever listened to her or one of her cohosts. Calls for the network she appeared on to shut down would be booming and no level of penance would ever be enough.
Cancel culture went too far when it began; in a sane world, Whoopi Goldberg would have been spoken ill of for a few days and then forgotten, Kyle would have been given the benefit of the doubt, and accusations wouldn’t be given weight until proof of them was offered up.
But we’re not in a sane world; this is a bizarre, unjust era of the left’s own making. So now their own creation will turn on them as they turned it on us, as is happening with Whoopi Goldberg.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
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