Rep. Boebert has a massive idea about how to take on illegal immigration, one it seems like Congress should have come up with a while ago. Better late than never, I guess. In any case, her plan is this: cut off the tax dollars flowing to help out illegal immigrants, particularly for legal services.
Fox interviewed Boebert for its exclusive report on the topic of her plan to tackle illegal immigration. As it reported on the plan and how she described it:
The Colorado Republican authored the “No Taxpayer-Funded Lawyers for Illegal Aliens Act” with support from other House conservatives and immigration reduction organizations. Boebert said no organization or city that receives federal funds should be spending it on legal aid for people who cross the southern border illegally.
“The principle is really simple: No more American tax dollars to help illegal aliens cut the line and skirt our laws,” Boebert, a freshman lawmaker, told Fox News Digital in an interview.
The bill, a copy of which is included in the Fox report, provided that “No Federal funds received pursuant to a Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement may be used for any organization that provides legal representation or legal orientation services (as described in section 235(c)(4) of the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 (8 U.S.C. 1232(c)(4)) for aliens unlawfully present in the United States who are placed in removal proceeding.”
It also provides that “No State, unit of local government, or territory of the United States that receives funds from the Federal Government may use or allocate such funds, or provide any other form of assistance, to any legal defense fund for the representation of aliens unlawfully present in the United States in civil proceedings.”
The plan is meant to combat both private organizations that direct federal dollars toward illegal immigrants and Brandon’s plan, called the Legal Access at the Border (LAB) program, to provide free legal services to illegal immigrants.
Further, it would take on those cities that spend money on helping out illegal immigrants and use the power of the exchequer to stop them from doing so. Currently, it’s estimated that states already spend about $5 million a year providing free legal services for illegal immigrants.
Boebert’s bill, if passed, would be a massive blow to the pro-illegal immigrant lobby. By refusing to send federal dollars to those cities and non-profits that spend money on helping illegal immigrants, Boebert would raise a major barrier to anyone wanting to spend government money on helping illegals, directly or indirectly. Additionally, the bill could be used by weaker-kneed governors, mayors, etc. as an excuse for not “doing more” to help the illegals.
Speaking on that and why she’s pushing the bill, Boebert told Fox “Democrats want to treat border detention facilities like an Oprah Winfrey show. You get free education, you get a free plane ticket. You get free medical care. You get free, free, free. It really has to stop and my bill is the first step in this process.”
She added that “Gone are the days where we allow foreign nationals to break our laws illegally, cross the southern border, and then we the people provide a legal defense at American taxpayers’ expense so they can remain here illegally.”
American taxpayer dollars shouldn’t be spent on helping those that willfully break America’s laws. Though Boebert’s bill has little chance of being passed so long as Democrats remain in charge of Congress and the White House, it’s a preview of the conservative legislation that could be coming with the red wave.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
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