One of the bi-products of the racist social justice movements including Critical Race Theory, 1619 Project, and Intersectionality theory, is that children have difficulty processing and living with the idea that all people with white skin hate them.
Just like the fake hate crime hoax perpetrated by the wealthy, former television star Jussie Smollet, who hired 2 back men to perform an alleged mugging by two white men, at 2 AM, more and more black youth have been getting caught also trying to stage fake hate crimes in the pursuit of “racial justice’ against their white peers.
A black student from Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville in Edwardsville, Illinois, falsely reported that racist notes were sent to her by an unknown White perpetrator
Moreover, social justice activists sent a Change.org petition that garnered 1,817 supporters called for the expulsion of the initial suspects.
“A black teen and her sister has had their lives threatened by some white teens on campus and have had no justice,” read the petition, created by a user called “Justice for Us.”
The petition continued:
THREATENING TO MURDER SOMEONE IS A CRIME yet, they are trying to turn that crime into a cold case. BUT WE WONT LET THEM. In no world should someone be able to say “I will lynch you and your sister” and be protected afterwards as of it was not their fault. The two black sisters were left unprotected and hung to dry while the white girl had more escorts than jay-z. This is what being black in American is but we aren’t letting it happen anymore.
Not so fast hoaxsters!
Illinois law enforcement announced on Friday that Kaliyeha Clark-Mabins, a black student, will be charged with three counts of disorderly conduct for filing a false police report late last month. In other words, faking a hate crime.
“Kaliyeha Clark-Mabins knew that at the time of this transmission there was no reasonable ground for believing that such an offense had been committed,” the charging documents add. She knew there was no hate crime but lied about it anyway.
The investigation included not just the campus police, but the “Madison County State’s Attorney’s Office and the U.S. Secret Service,” according to an email obtained by the College Fix.
The two white students who were falsely accused of placing notes on her dorm room door reading “BLACK PEOPLE DON’T BELONG” and “DIE BITCH” have been cleared following an investigation into the incident.
Hoax hate crimes are increasingly frequent occurrences on college campuses.
- University of La Verne student Dominguez Peña was arrested for allegedly sending ten racist threats against herself, and claiming that she had “found a smoking backpack” in her car before being “assaulted by a masked man” on campus.
- Black student eggs her own door. Zoriana Martinez who is a black student, almost definitely, egged her own door, claimed people were targeting her dog, and said someone vandalized her LGBT pride flag. The Wayne State University student also accused her school of “forcibly remov[ing]” her from the dorms. She also said a residence hall employee told students they could discriminate against each other as long as it happened off of campus.
The violence and other actions like hoax hate crimes will continue as long as the left advances the indoctrination of the youth and media, like Disney, which is pushing the need to fight against “white privilege” to their very young audiences.
This story syndicated with permission from Eric Thompson – Trending Politics
This story syndicated with permission from Eric Thompson – Trending Politics