One of the most frustrating parts of the George Floyd Riots summer was watching all the people that had attacked gun rights for years lining up around the block in the hope of buying an AR or handgun from their local gun store.
After doing everything in their power to limit gun rights, claiming that no one “needs” an AR, 30-round magazine, semi-auto handgun, etc., they went on to rush to buy those things as soon as they felt threatened.
Yet worse, they bought up all the ammunition the rest of us needed. 5.56, 9mm, .308, 6.5 Creedmore, and .45 ACP all became impossible to find, along with the perpetually out of stock .22lr. Thanks to scared libs buying guns for the first time, people who have been supporting gun rights and gun companies for years were unable to buy ammunition.
It would have been fine had they voted Republican and thus voted for gun rights, but they didn’t. They voted for the same fools that make it harder and harder to own guns every time they squirm into office. So, we were in a ridiculous situation where the lefties were both buying up the guns and ammo while also voting for the people that want to ban such guns and ammo. It was infuriating.
Well, one ammo company sensed that building frustration and created an additional checkout question to make it harder for Democrats to do so: now, when they check out, they have to affirm that they didn’t vote for Joe Biden in the 2020 election!
Yes, really. The company announced and defended the move on Twitter, saying:
“We’ve had a few potential customers call this morning to ask why they have to check a box stating they did not vote for Joe Biden in order to purchase our ammunition.
First question – are we serious? Yes, we are serious. Joe Biden ran on a campaign built on the most radical gun control platform a major party candidate has ever had, including banning the online sale of ammunition. Essentially, a plan to bankrupt our company.
Second question – couldn’t I have voted for him for other reasons? Sure, that’s possible, but if you did, you should immediately sell any firearms you own out of solidarity.
Third question – are you really willing to walk away from a paying customer simply because they voted for Joe Biden? Yes, yes we are. We’re dead serious.
We don’t want your money, and you shouldn’t want us to have it because we’re going to use it to make more ammo, sell it to the citizenry, and do everything in our power to prevent Joe Biden’s administration from usurping the rights of Americans. We have no problem talking to Biden voters and educating them on what they did, but they have to be willing to acknowledge their ignorance at the very least. We’re not going to sit here and debate with you. We’re a 2A company and these are our first principles.“
You can read the whole thread here. It’s as hilarious as it is brilliant: Slow Joe’s voters are the ones who enable gun control of the sort we’re now seeing dribble out of the ATF. They’re the ones to blame.
So, they should be the ones who bear the brunt of the burden. Average Americans that vote for pro-2A candidates should be able to buy guns and ammo as they please; those that vote in a way that enables the banning of those guns and restrictions on the ammo supply shouldn’t be able to.
Demand for guns and ammo far, far outstrip production right now. In other words, it’s a seller’s market. With that in mind, why should gun and ammo companies waste time selling to the Democrats that hate them? More gun companies need to add the question and scare off Democrats!
Oh, and the company asks visitors to their site to affirm that self-defense is a human right. They’re awesome!
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from The Liberty Leader