Much has been made of China’s “genocide games.” Taking place as they are in the authoritarian hellhole that is Red China, many are upset that our athletes are even participating and are even more furious that we’re granting legitimacy to the CCP by flocking to the communist nation and abiding by its laws, saying nary a word about its crackdown on Christians, war of genocide against the Uighurs, or use of slave labor in factories.
But it gets worse; prominent figures, rather than using their influence to step in and criticize Red China, are seemingly competing to see who can best bow to the Reds and eat out of the commie nation’s hand while spewing its propaganda.
Nancy Pelosi, for instance, a politician who was tough on China until her husband started investing there, recently called for US athletes to remain silent while in China, saying:
“I would say to our athletes — you are there to compete. Do not risk incurring the anger of the Chinese government because they are ruthless.
I know there is a temptation on the part of some to speak out while they are there; I respect that. But, I also worry about what the Chinese government might do to their reputations, to their families.”
But her statement, while morally wrong and emblematic of American weakness, can potentially be excused as being prudent, if still sickening. American athletes, if they start raising Cain in the CCP, will almost certainly be treated harshly by the regime. She might have felt she had a duty to say so.
However, there is no reason other than either pure greed or ideological sympathy with the reds why other commentators would step in and defend the Red Regime on the mainland. Yet that’s exactly what ESPN analyst J. A. Adande did. Watch him here:
Oh my. @ESPN just promoted the video of this idiot comparing the CCP committing genocide, slave labor, forced abortions and forced sterilizations to red states requiring voter ID.https://t.co/sxxnerYanb
— Bobby Burack (@burackbobby_) February 4, 2022
As you can hear in the video, he says that Americans shouldn’t condemn China because red states have voter ID laws. Yes, really. In his view, making sure that only citizens vote is just as bad, if not worse, as imprisoning millions and using them as slave labor or sterilizing/having ethnic Han Chinese rape them so that the ethnic group can’t propagate itself.
Outkick, reporting on the incident, added that Adande won’t get in trouble because he’s black, saying that it’s as scared of an outrage mob as it is willing to back down to China on the Uighur issue, likely in search of higher profits from the Chinese market. In its words
But, of course, ESPN will do nothing. ESPN will not punish a black personality for offensive comments toward Uyghur Muslims. ESPN does not care about Uyghurs, and is afraid to discipline a black person, as the network shows time and time again.
OutKick has asked ESPN for a comment on Adande, but it won’t respond. We have also asked Around the Horn host Tony Reali for comment. Reali, who’s undoubtedly afraid to condemn Adande too, has not responded either.
Adande’s comments are horrific. Voter ID laws are in no way comparable to the genocide of an entire ethnic group and defending China by conflating the two is beyond the pale.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will – Trending Politics