As Canadian PM Justin Trudeau goes on the warpath to take down the Canadian Freedom Truckers by starving them of funds, one of America’s best-known patriots is under a similarly existential financial threat.
That patriot is Mike Lindell, one of the few Americans left willing to speak honestly in all circumstances. Because he’s so outspoken, the leftist jackals are circling and trying to bring him down, with his banking service provider taking yet another stab at him, something Jack Posobiec announced on Twitter:
BREAKING: http://MyPillow.com CEO Mike Lindell says he has been served the papers that his bank is shutting him down
BREAKING: https://t.co/DI9q0R8M2r CEO Mike Lindell says he has been served the papers that his bank is shutting him down
— Truckistani Underground Poso 🚛 (@JackPosobiec) February 14, 2022
Mike announced that shocking claim on Steve Bannon’s War Room, saying that his bank is shutting down his accounts and trying to take him down. Watch that here:
As you can see in the video, Mike, speaking with Steve Bannon about the current state of affairs, presents a letter that his bank, the Minnesota Bank & Trust, sent him.
Describing the letter, Mike says that, according to it, Minnesota Bank & Trust is planning on closing his accounts on February 18th.
And not only is it kicking him and his accounts out, it’s also threatening him, claiming it will take action if the account isn’t just like it wants it when it unceremoniously boots him and his accounts for no reason other than him being an outspoken patriot.
According to Mike, the accounts that are being closed include the bank accounts for two of his primary platforms for discussing voter fraud, Lindell TV and FrankSpeech.
Censored by social media for daring to say what he thought, he has to rely on those platforms to get his message out. Now, thanks to the cowardly bankers, it’ll be difficult for him to even do that.
He went on to blast those bankers and explain why they’re coming for him, saying “What cowards, they’re just cowards. Unreal. They said it was because they didn’t want to be in the public eye.”
Yet worse, while Lindell says the bankers tried to assure him that they’re Republicans! Republicans that would, apparently, help kneecap one of the Biden Regime’s most truculent opponents rather than stand up to the zero people that were concerned that a few of Mike’s companies had accounts at the bank.
Blasting those RINO bankers while talking to Bannon, Mike said “You’re worse than anybody. You’re a coward and a criminal.”
This isn’t the first we’ve heard of Mike’s banks cutting ties with him because he’s so outspoken about verboten issues like voter fraud. A few details about the coming bank crackdown dribbled out in January, with Mike telling Steve Bannon that his bank was threatening to cancel his accounts.
However, that was just talk back then. Now the bank and the RINOs that run it are actually taking action and saying that they will boot Mike’s companies within just a few days, something that should be inconceivable but, thanks to the left’s cancel culture efforts, now isn’t particularly surprising.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will – Trending Politics