Though Governor Ron DeSantis is snagging all the headlines for his brutal fight with the lazy, leftist teacher unions and woke school boards in that state, he’s not the only one fighting back against the plague of wokeness that’s swept over America’s schools.
In fact, victories are being won across the union, most recently, and indeed surprisingly, in normally woke San Francisco, where parents just booted woke school board members from their positions of power by a massive margin.
Specifically, the San Francisco voters rid themselves of three particularly bad school board members in a recall election: Alison Collins, Gabriela López, Faauuga.
And they weren’t just recalled by a slight margin. No, voters overwhelmingly voted to boot them from office, with about three-quarters of voters voting to recall the woke school board members. As Breitbart reports:
Early results on Tuesday evening showed the recall leading by three-to-one margins in each race, and the result was later confirmed, dealing a swift verdict on “woke” ideology, left-wing coronavirus policies, and the intransigence of teachers’ unions about reopening schools during the pandemic.
The San Francisco Chronicle reported that San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) board member Alison Collins was recalled with 79% of the vote; Gabriela López was recalled with 75% of the vote; and Faauuga Molina was recalled with 72% of the vote.
Those are “yuge” margins as they show that, whatever the political divide, most Americans don’t want their kids indoctrinated with anti-white, anti-American propaganda, nor do they want teachers to push the LGBTQ message on young children. They want them to learn to read and count, not to hate whites and want to change their gender.
And even more than those ideological disagreements with the message that public schools, especially in blue states, are teaching, parents want their kids to actually go to school. They don’t want them stuck at home, listening to some lazy teacher droning on about nonsense on Zoom. They want them in the classroom, learning and making friends.
Given that San Francisco public schools have largely remained closed since the Covid pandemic began, parents were furious, with their anger only heightened by the school boards and teachers wasting time on a woke agenda rather than figuring out how to reopen schools and start educating kids again. As the AP reports:
The recall effort stemmed from frustration felt by parents who say the board wasted its time on matters unrelated to the coronavirus instead of focusing on reopening public schools. But organizers and many residents say the effort also tapped into a wider feeling of discontent in San Francisco, where rising crime and attacks on Asian Americans during the pandemic added to a perception of a city in turmoil.
This isn’t just a culture war issue; it’s also one of education, with many parents being more upset with the school closures than with the wokeness. But, still, three woke school board members were booted by parents frustrated with them. That’s a good sign.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics