Speaking to Just the News, former Customs and Border Patrol Commissioner Mark Morgan had harsh words for the Biden Administration and the utter chaos at the border.
As background, the American-Mexican border is far worse than it has been for a long time, perhaps ever, from an illegal immigration perspective.
That’s because perhaps two million illegals have flooded into the US under Biden, with some areas of Texas seeing a more than 215% increase recently. That’s a major problem, and one that shows no signs of letting up as Biden would rather focus on the Russo-Ukrainian border than the one between the US and Mexico that he’s actually supposed to defend.
With that situation in mind, Mark Morgan went on an anti-Biden blitz while speaking to Just the News cohosts John Solomon and Amanda Head.
Discussing the fact that Biden is “ignoring” the border crisis with them and hammering him both for that complete insouciance about the situation and the effect of the Feds ignoring the border, Morgan said “They’re pretending it doesn’t exist. But the American people aren’t buying it, I think the polls reflect it.”
He then brought up the Remain in Mexico policy implemented by President Trump, one that kept illegals crossing through Mexico in Mexico until their asylum hearings, a program that proved quite effective in stopping border crossers from making it to the US.
But, according to Morgan, Biden has “completely trashed” that policy despite a Supreme Court order that he restart it.
In fact, speaking on Biden’s refusal to follow the Supreme Court’s order and restart the program, an order Morgan said Biden is only paying “lip service” to, Morgan gave this example of the current situation:
“In the month of December, while 178,000 illegal aliens broken into our country — in one month, in 30 days — in that same 30-day period, the Biden administration enrolled about 260 migrants in the Remain in Mexico program.
It’s having no effect, they’re not taking it seriously. And let’s keep in mind, the [Homeland Security] secretary [Alejandro Mayorkas] — as he’s doing his just-shut-up-and-take-it tour to the agents out there — he’s been very clear that he’s also actively trying to end the program.”
And what has the effect of that been? Border Patrol agents are demoralized and frustrated, forced to watch as they put their lives on the line while Biden and his coterie of leftist radicals do everything possible to help out the illegals and make the Border Patrol’s job harder and less impactful. In Morgan’s words:
“The reason why they still get up, put that badge on their chest, is because they are heroes, and they’re doing it to try to do everything they can to still safeguard this country,” he said. “But look, make no mistake, they feel now that they’re nothing more than a travel agency — Uber drivers, a taxi cab service …”
It was then that Morgan got to his biggest and most startling claim, which was that Biden has effectively handed over the border to the cartels that traffick people and drugs across it into the US and then guns and money back into Mexico. In his words:
“This administration has intentionally and willfully turned over, handed over our southern border to the cartels. And they’ve taken away every one of the vast set of tools, authorities that they had under President Trump to do their job, to secure a border and safeguard the country.”
Biden has created a disaster at the border. It’s high time he’s held responsible for that and all the suffering that his policies have caused ordinary Americans.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics