In a lengthy new poll asking respondents a wide range of questions, by topic, it is obvious to me that the 1,500 people involved represent a more divided, formerly known as, the United United of America.
The decline in unity has been a successful and consorted effort by Marxists who have risen to high positions of authority in the national teachers’ unions, corporate board rooms, entertainment, etc.
Even though blue states are rapidly dropping mask mandates for all indoor activities, in a new poll by The Economist/YouGov., a total of 58% of Americans said they will continue to wear a mask in public once their community removes their mandates. The poll found that 28% said they would not continue wearing a mask, and 13% were not certain.
Here are how the poll results broke down:
- 38% said they are somewhat following the news about COVID-19, 34% very closely, 18% not very closely, and 10% not at all.
- 32% said they believe it was safe to resume normal activities. Another 27% said it will be safe after 2022; 18% said it will be safe in the second half of 2022; 14% it will never be safe, and 9% said it will be safe in the first half of 2022.
- 77% said they were ready to return to normal from the COVID-19 pandemic compared to 23% who said they were not.
- 49% said they disapprove of President Joe Biden’s handling of COVID-19, compared to 40% who approved.
- 46% said schools should not be allowed to mandate COVID-19 vaccines for students, while 37% believed they should be allowed.
- 64% said they believe there shouldn’t be any COVID-19 restrictions in their community, compared to 26% who believe there should be.
In addition, the poll asked the respondents about their feelings on the direction and economy of the nation.
- 27% said they think the nation is headed in the right direction, 60% off on the wrong track, 13% not sure.
- 42% describe the current state of the American economy as poor, 28% fair, 19% good, 5% excellent, and 6% don’t know.
- 48% believe inflation is the most important problem, 36% believe inflation and unemployment are equally the problem, 9% said unemployment is the most important, 7% are not sure.
The poll, conducted Feb. 12-15, surveyed 1,500 people in the U.S. The margin of error is plus or minus 3 percentage points.
With the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases leadership finally moving towards moving COVID from a pandemic to a manageable endemic, these numbers might improve as things return to “normal.
Top U.S. infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci says it is time for the United States to start inching back toward normality, despite remaining risks from COVID-19.
In an interview with Reuters on Wednesday, Fauci said U.S. states are facing tough choices in their efforts to balance the need to protect their citizens from infections and the growing fatigue with a pandemic that has dragged into its third year.
“There is no perfect solution to this,” said Fauci, who is U.S. President Joe Biden’s top medical adviser and a member of the White House COVID-19 Response Team.
“The fact that the world and the United States, and particularly certain parts of the United States, are just up to here with COVID — they just really need to somehow get their life back,” he said.
“You don’t want to be reckless and throw everything aside, but you’ve got to start inching toward that.”
This story was syndicated with permission from Eric Thompson – Trending Politics
This story syndicated with permission from Eric Thompson, Author at Trending Politics