American parents are revolting against the leftist hypocrites that have turned schools into a terrifying combo of leftist indoctrination camps and forced masking centers. Every day, little kids trundle off to school or are shipped there in buses only to be told that being white is evil, being straight is weird, and that the GOP is full of people who are “literally Hitler.” And while some rainbow flag-waving blue hair screeches that, they’re forced to wear a scratchy, uncomfortable mask.
Yet worse, this biomedical police state has gone on for so long that many kids don’t know what normal school is like. They’ve never seen their friends maskless and in person and have only lived in a situation where school is either online (imagine the hell that is for an energetic seven-year-old), or in-person but with everyone having to wear a mask all day.
Well, parents are fed up with it and they’re pushing back, losing it on the school board members that force their kids to wear masks in class while going maskless outside of schools. Recently, one mom in particular pushed back, exposing the board members as hypocrites that don’t wear masks that force their students to do so.
Well, the board members weren’t happy about being pushed back against, losing it when she exposed them as the hypocrites that they are. Watch that here:
Wow! School board freaks out as mom whips out phone to show pictures of the board members maskless online. Love this. pic.twitter.com/cvi6rnHCjL
— Justin Hart (@justin_hart) February 17, 2022
As you can hear in the video, the mom says “Here’s a picture, of you, right here, on Facebook, with a CROWD of people, with no mask on. Here’s another picture of you, with no mask on”
A member of the board, Kass, starts to get angry, saying “If you are going to sit there and disparage a member of our school board, you can sit down.”
The two freak out and bicker until Kass, unwilling to argue and desiring to rely on brute force, says “may we have a police officer over here, please?”
At that vulgar display of force, one member of the board stops Kass, saying “She should be able to say her piece, I’ve had to listen to people come and criticize me.”
Kass, wanting to use force rather than listen to dissent, says “That doesn’t make it right, Jamie, that’s my family.”
At that point the original mom with the photos jumps back in, saying “What do you think about our family? Our family is being suffocated to death with your policies.”
Then, Kass fled the meeting, unwilling to argue and unwilling to use force to eject a dissenter. She later tried to justify her hypocrisy in a statement to WDBJ7, saying:
“Just because you believe in masking in a classroom, with 30 students sitting in a room in close proximity, in a small not well-ventilated room, asking them to mask there is not the same as saying I need to wear a mask in my house.The fact they went and trolled my Facebook to find anything they could to disparage me is pretty sad and pretty low.”
There’s also a part 2 to the video, but it’s on TikTok, not Twitter.
Normally, calling out leftists as hypocrites is about as useless as snapping at a dog not to bark or telling kids not to run around and want sugar. Effective for a flicker of a moment, but not in any way useful in the long run.
But, in a narrow set of situations, it’s effective. This is one of those, as it exposes to the “normies” what the masking issue is really about: they don’t actually care about the safety of masking, hence why they don’t wear them outside of the classroom. Rather, they like the power trip and don’t want to give up the increased control afforded them by the Covid pandemic.
That’s what this is really about, and exposing the truth by calling them on it is the only way to show the average person that the radicals pushing the mandates are interested in control, not health or safety.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics