Well, it’s official, protesting is illegal in Canada if you’re clamoring for something other than a viewpoint approved by the woke regime. BLM, Antifa, and other leftist thugs can do whatever they want, but the working class isn’t allowed to protest in favor of its interests anymore, and those that do will be tracked down by thuggish members of the Canadian police.
Watch that dystopian announcement here:
Ottawa Police Chief to convoy protesters: “if you are involved in this protest we will actively look to identify you and follow up with financial sanctions and criminal charges”https://t.co/cTm6cKZ0k8 pic.twitter.com/Ct8X97QTsK
— Efron Monsanto 🇨🇦🚜🚛 (@realmonsanto) February 19, 2022
As you can hear in the video, a reporter asked Bell, the interim police chief of Ottawa, what he meant by saying that the police would use body cam and surveillance footage to track down and punish those involved with the protest with “financial sanctions and criminal charges.” Specifically, the independent reporter asked:
“Can you elaborate? Like if the protesters at this point, you know retreat and go home are they going to be getting repercussions down the road. Are you going to be sort of actively pursuing the people that you’ve been sort of documenting and filming that are still out there protesting? What are your plans after this?”
Bell, in response, didn’t deny the tyrannical tactics that would be used. Rather, he went all in, saying:
“The simple answer is yes. If you are involved in this protest we will actively look to identify you and follow up with financial sanctions and criminal charges. Absolutely. This investigation will go on for months to come.”
That’s something you’d expect to come out of a communist regime, a Stalinist dictatorship, not a western government like Canada. Yet that’s exactly where it’s coming from, showing what’s really behind the mask of “liberal democracy.” The people only have a say so long as they’re on the side of the regime.
Further, this announcement and the crackdowns on peaceful protesters that preceded it might explain why the previous Ottawa police chief quit: he was unwilling to follow Trudeau’s despotic orders but the new guy is all in. As Rebel News’ Ezra Levant noted:
“They fired the Ottawa Police chief the other day. No reasons given. I think I know why — he wasn’t prepared to get violent against peaceful protesters. So they found a cop dirty enough to do whatever Trudeau says. It’s not too hard. Promise a guy a promotion, promise him legal immunity. I mean, many of the good cops have left the force — either been fired or they removed themselves for not going along with the past two years of bullying.
“So the new chief will follow orders. He’ll do whatever needs doing.
“Like cancelling Parliament. Like I say, the police raids today didn’t wait until Parliament was done debating. They literally cancelled Parliament. The police told Parliament not to meet. It’s not needed — I mean, the decision-making is by the police now — Parliament really is just a hood ornament.”
The police are now not only beating anti-Trudeau demonstrators in the street, but vowing to track them down for months on end. This is what tyranny looks like.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics