Mark Levin appeared on Hannity the other night and sounded off on the America-hating leftists that are currently pushing America to the brink with their radical policies.
Levin began with a nod to Rush Limbaugh, the hero of modern conservatism and conservative radio that passed away a year ago. Speaking about Rush, Levin described him as “Irreplaceable in so many respects…our George Washington quite frankly.”
He then used that reference to Limbaugh as George Washington as a way to jump off his blistering attack on the leftists that have done so much to erase American history and tear down any monuments to past greats that haven’t kept up with the times on account of being dead. Speaking about that, he said:
“Sean, you’ve asked your guests a lot of questions about what’s going on in this country, I’ll tell you what’s going on in this country. The largest political party in this country hates America. They hate our security. They hate our Constitution. They hate our Founders. They hate our Framers.
They hate our monuments. They hate our history. They hate our family structure.”
And who does he give as an example of one of those America-hating leftists? Kamala Harris, for whom he had some especially harsh words:
“And there’s so much that they hate about America that we have a vice president who’s probably among the dumbest vice presidents in American history and there have been many stupid ones who makes comments about this country that are just so vile and so repugnant.
And I would say this to Kamala Harris: you need to go over to these military cemeteries and take a look and take a look at all those crosses and those Stars of David and think about all the men and all the women who died for this country that you trash, that made who you are and what you are possible because God knows you haven’t invested into this country what those people did and what those families did.”
Then, moving away from Kamala specifically and back toward the Democrats generally, Levin hit them for all the radical, anti-American policies they’ve pushed as of late, saying:
“The Democrat Party hates our military, hates our cops. The Democrat Party is selling us out to the communist Chinese, the fascistic Russians, the fascistic Iranians, and the inbred over there in North Korea.
The Democrat Party is a force for bad in this country. They never promote liberty. They never promote individualism.
There was a piece in The New York Times the other day trashing individualism. That’s what the whole country is about.”
After going no a brief tangent about what’s happening in Canada, Levin returned to the subject at hand: leftists. However, rather than continuing to give examples of how they hate America, he switched tack, assaulting them for their ability to present themselves as defenders of democracy, no matter how much of a lie that is, while slandering actual patriots as the enemy of the nation:
“[H]ave you noticed the Democrat Party base and the left-wing base is never the enemy. The trial lawyers are never the enemy. The teachers’ unions are never an enemy. The front groups that want open borders, they’re never the enemy. The hard left in this country, they’re never the enemy.
No, no, no, today, it’s the truckers. Yesterday, it was the parents. The day before that, it was the nurses. In other words, middle America, the people who make this country work.”
And how can we solve that? Levin has a predictably harsh solution to the America-hater problem: they need to be crushed and patriots need to take the country back. In Levin’s words:
The Democrat Party in this country needs to be crushed, and I want the American people to understand something — you have it within your power to take this country back. They will not be crushed unless you crush them.
And I’m talking to people, I don’t care what your race is, I don’t care what you come from. The American people do not hate this country the way that AOC does. They do not hate this country the way Kamala Harris does. We love this country.
Most importantly, perhaps for Republicans, was what Levin got to last: McConnell. Fighting the left effectively means moving away from ossified “leaders” like McConnel and toward real fighters, people willing and able to take on the far left. Speaking on that, Levin said:
“You had Kevin McCarthy on this program who superbly laid out what the agenda is for the House, when and if they take over the house. Has Mitch McConnell laid out the agenda for the United States Senate if the Republicans take over the Senate?
He was asked about it directly by a reporter and he said — well, we won’t be pushing the Biden progressive agenda. Well, that’s — that’s very heartwarming. And then he says, we want to have bipartisanship, we want to meet somewhere in the center with our Democrat friends so we can get things done.
Mitch McConnell, if he’s not thrown out, Republicans, we’ll never advance. He is fossilized. He’s a disaster. We need smart, new, revolutionary leadership. That’s it!”
Watch the epic speech here:
Levin is right on both counts. The left hates America and ossified RINOs like Mitch McConnell aren’t stopping them. It’ll take real leaders, real fighters, to stop the left from destroying America.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics