In a 2 minute, 47-second speech before the Cabarrus County School Board Meeting in North Carolina on February 14th, Brian Echevarria, a parent, presented more wisdom than was heard in a recent State of the Union Address.
Below are the most memorable comments by Echevarria:
“The person that tells my little pecan-colored kids that they are oppressed based on the color of their skin would be absolutely wrong and absolutely at war with me.”
“Because CRT, all of that, the parents don’t want it. It’s a big fat lie.”
“If you believe in CRT, I want to tell you, you’re a liar, because you look at your black neighbor and say that they’re oppressed and you look at your white neighbor and say that they’re evil regardless of the experience that you have had with them.”
“We know that’s [CRT] is not true because we believe the lives we live.”
“The racism is only happening at the government level and in the media.”
“I have an 8-year-old daughter who is absolutely dynamic, who can do anything—athletically, intellectually, spiritually, and emotionally. She is a dynamo and I don’t want a man swimming against her in the pool. The fact is, I don’t want her playing against boys in soccer. I don’t even let my boys rough her up. Do you think I’m gonna let your son rough her up?”
“We’re taking back the wheel.”
Mr. Echevarria is also running as a Republican for North Carolina State Assembly, District 73. He describes himself as biracial and is 44 yrs old, married with three children. To learn more about his campaign site here.
This story syndicated with permission from Gen Z Conservative