Matt Gaetz, the rock-ribbed Florida conservative congressman, is one of President Trump’s most consistent congressional defenders. While many RINOs and Conservative, Inc. Republicans waver back and forth in their support of him, Gaetz is always by Trump’s side.
Further, because he’s much more a populist than an establishment Republican, Gaetz is willing to think outside the box for ways to achieve political victories and score wins that the RINOs wouldn’t have ever thought of, much less seriously contemplated.
He pushed one such idea recently, as Newsweek reports, saying that Trump should become Speaker of the House, at least temporarily. According to that outlet:
“I just think America deserves that moment when Nancy Pelosi hands Donald Trump the gavel,” the Florida Republican said.
“I told him you don’t even have to be speaker for the whole day,” Gaetz said. “You could do it for like three or four hours, give us a great speech, make a few structural reforms to the institution and then you could resign, and we could have another election for speaker.“
The same report adds that “Gaetz said he mentioned the idea to Trump in Florida the night before he appeared on Gorka’s show but admitted ‘I don’t know if I’ve fully got him to swallow the hook.‘”
What’s best about the idea is that it’s theoretically quite possible, even if Trump doesn’t run for office. You see, the Speaker of the House position goes to whoever is voted into it by members of Congress.
Traditionally, that’s been a senior member of the party that controls the House but, if Republicans so desired, they could hand the position to Trump.
Gaetz, while he popularized the idea by mentioning it to Gorka and suggesting it to Trump, isn’t the only one to suggest the idea. Derek Hunter, for example, broached it in a recent Townhall article, saying:
One thing the Republican Party has going for it is there’s no lack of people who think they should be in charge. On the other hand, they have no one who can get 218 Members to support them for Speaker…except maybe one: Donald Trump.
It’s unclear as to whether or not Trump wants to be president again, but what is clear is he wants to be a player. Speaker of the House would make him the ultimate player…
[…]More importantly, at least to Donald Trump, is as Speaker of the House he could direct investigations into the corruption of the Biden administration and family. Who wouldn’t enjoy a thorough accounting of the Biden family fortune? How did a family with no related education, background, or experience and a history of substance abuse end up making tens of millions of dollars when only one member, Joe, ever held a job for any length of time? Donald Trump would justifiably love bringing that information to light.
Further, though Gaetz notes that Trump might have not fully swallowed the hook, he has suggested that he’s amenable to it. For example, during a 2021 conversation with Wayne Allen Root, a discussion in which Root broached the idea, Trump said:
“That’s so interesting” And then said that others have suggested he run for Senate, “But you know what, your idea might be better. It’s very interesting.”
So, perhaps it will come to pass. If it does, the image of watching Pelosi have to step down and hand the gavel to Trump would be totally worth it.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics