The funny thing about those on the left is they have for decades pushed for radical reforms hoping to change the United States into a socialist state, like Europe, but now are freaking as voters and members of their own party are jumping ship.
Former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg is warning Democrats there may be impending danger for this year’s midterms after last week’s San Francisco school board recall election sent shock waves across the nation.
A Tuesday op-ed from the former mayor warned Democrats of the “seismic challenge” ahead, saying that the party is headed for doom unless it corrects its course.
“The political earthquake that just occurred in San Francisco should be a dire warning to the national Democratic Party because the same fault line stretches across the country and the tremors are only increasing,” Bloomberg wrote.
Bloomberg argued that domestic politics are posing the greatest threat to preserving democracy and protecting the Constitution before diving into a criticism of his party’s – and the San Francisco school board’s – failures to act on behalf of concerned parents.
“I continue to believe that a healthy and vibrant Democratic Party remains essential to beating back the Republican Party’s dangerous turn toward authoritarianism and its tolerance for election subversion. But I am deeply concerned that, absent an immediate course correction, the party is headed for a wipeout in November, up and down the ballot,” he said.
I’m concerned that, without an immediate course correction, Democrats are headed for a wipeout in November up-and-down the ballot. https://t.co/oGAmVYTVV0
— Mike Bloomberg (@MikeBloomberg) February 22, 2022
In addition, politicians in the Democratic party are publicly announcing their intentions to leave the party, which they say left them first. The latest to make the move is South Carolina Democrat, and Retired Army lieutenant colonel, Harriet Holman.
A local South Carolina council member who is leaving the Democratic Party, running for reelection as a Republican instead.
“Some things that I had looked at, I just don’t agree with any longer,” Dorchester County council member Harriet Holman told “Fox & Friends First” on Wednesday.
“One of the things was that I am just totally pro-life, and I am by for capitalism, I am for funding the police. Those things are what made me make my final decision,” she told host Todd Piro.
Holman said she believes Republicans will grow their numbers in African-American communities.
“We’re born into our families, and we kind of take on the trait of what our families are, and my parents were Democrats,” she explained.
Since she retired from the military, Harriet started getting more involved in her community. After digging into the democratic parties’ policies, realized she didn’t agree with them deciding to become a Republican, instead.
“It wasn’t an easy decision. I talked to family, I talked to friends, I talked to my constituents, and a lot of my family members are really Republican, as well. So it was not too hard of a transition at all,” she remarked.
I agree with Bloomberg that the left has overplayed their hand and am very surprised that more black Americans, who claim to be Christians, have not already abandoned the radical, anti-God party of pagans.
The Democratic platform has a laundry list of reasons why anyone who fears God must not vote for anyone running in the party of donkeys.
By: Eric Thompson, editor of Eric Thompson Show.
This story syndicated with permission from Eric Thompson, Author at Trending Politics