Laughter is the best medicine. That’s why God has a sense of humor. I mean, look at the platypus. I think he created that just to throw scientists off of evolution. They still don’t know what it truly is. It has a tail of a beaver, a bill of a duck, lays eggs and is poisonous. (Yes, they are poisonous! Google it). So where did it “evolve” from? God is probably still laughing as the scientists continue to scratch their heads as they ponder.
So with humor in mind, I’m tossing in a few memes. Who doesn’t love to laugh? I’ll begin with this cute baby describing the terrorizing ordeal over his baptism.
This one is so true. God’s blessings are truly bountiful! Sometimes we don’t see it and sometimes, like this meme, it’s larger than life and you’re dumbfounded, but ever so grateful for His love and mercy.
This is picture perfect for this meme. You can’t hide sin from God! He knows, sees and hears all! Thankfully he is very forgiving.
And this is the way I feel when I finally learn to give it to God. I admit, it takes me a while sometimes. I keep holding on to the problem thinking I can fix it on my own. It’s such a relief when I remember to let it go.
This about sums up my excitement when I finally get to see Heaven. Anyone else looking forward to it? I always find myself wondering what it will be like. It’s my favorite daydream.
This one made me laugh out loud. I’m tellin’ ya, He has a great sense of humor. Thank goodness, because I laugh at just about everything. I’m easily entertained.
And for the last one, remember to count your blessings. Be happy with what you have because God gave it to you. If you have extra, give to others because you work for God and that’s what He expects of you. Be happy and laugh often. God is good. All. The. Time.
I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. Laughter is good for the soul. Many Blessings to you all.
This story syndicated with permission from My Faith News