If you’re an average American, someone who wants the nation’s highest court to be full of the best and brightest, you might want to know the LSAT score that Kentaji Brown Jackson, Biden’s SCOTUS pick, received.
If she’s as smart as the left claims when it writes its glowing articles about her, then no trouble, right? She got a good score if she’s as smart as they say, so it (theoretically) shouldn’t be a problem; it’d just be more proof of her smarts.
Well, according to politically “enlightened” ABC legal analyst Sunny Hostin, you’re a racist for wanting to know that number.
in fact, that’s exactly what she said about Tucker Carlson’s recent call for Team Biden to release Jackson’s LSAT number.
Tucker, on his show, said “So is Ketanji Brown Jackson — a name that even Joe Biden has trouble pronouncing — one of the top legal minds in the entire country?” he said. “We certainly hope so. Biden is right. Appointing her is one of his gravest constitutional duties. So, it might be time for Joe Biden to let us know what Ketanji Brown Jackson’s LSAT score was. Well, how did she do on the LSAT? Why wouldn’t you tell us that? That would settle the question conclusively as to whether she is a once in a generation legal talent, the next Learned Hand?”
So, the clucking hens on the View went about criticizing him in their typically vapid manner, with host Whoopi Goldberg leading the idiotic charge.
She began the conversation, saying, “Well, funny, you didn’t ask Amy Coney Barrett that. You didn’t ask that for that with Kavanaugh. So, I hate to tell you this, Tucker, but this may be one of the reasons people actually think you are racist.”
Indeed. Barrett and Kavanaugh weren’t diversity hires, so we knew they were probably smart. That’s a reasonable thing to think when the person is chosen based on merit rather than melanin. In Jackson’s case, she’s a diversity hire, so it’s unknown if she’s actually intelligent or just chosen because she’s the right skin tone and gender.
In any case, Joy Behar went on the attack against Tucker, saying “Didn’t he pay someone to take the SATs? Allegedly.”
It was at that point that the legal analyst, Hostin, jumped in with her two cents, which were about as worthless as two cents in Brandon’s inflation-ridden economy. She said:
“This was just a racist dog whistle to his viewers and his fans. It’s something that I think black women —it happens to black women all the time, right? Your credentials are questioned … Your qualifications are never good enough.”
Sara Haines, yet another one of the vapid co-hosts of the show chimed in too, saying:
“What Tucker is doing is more nefarious. It’s not just the unequal ask of show us your LSATs. It’s just the fact she’s a person of color that she may be an affirmative action thing.”
Both are wrong, of course. It’s not about race, it’s about the reason they were chosen. Kavanaugh was selected because conservatives thought he was one of the best conservatives in the judiciary, and that much was clear from the start.
Jackson was chosen purely as a diversity pick, with Biden announcing from the start that he’d choose a black woman. When chosen for anything other than merit, credentials get questioned.
That’s just the way it goes and would be the same if she were white and Biden had pledged to hire a white woman.
But, of course, their skulls are far too empty to think deep enough about the issue, so they’ll never say that. Instead, perpetual calls of “racism” echo.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics